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Hollywood Registers
Access size32 bits
Byte orderBig Endian
Hollywood30, 31
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The Hollywood's IPC engine is generally used as a signalling system for communications between Starlet and Hollywood. The hardware consists of two general-purpose registers, and two flag pairs. Each side can set either of two flags, and the other side can read them or clear them and configure them to generate a Hollywood interrupt. The hardware is symmetric.


Conceptually, the IPC system can be seen as four bit flags which may be set or cleared: X1, X2, Y1, and Y2. These same four flags are visible in both control registers in different places. X1 and X2 can be read/set/cleared by the Broadway, but can only be read/cleared by the Starlet. The Starlet can configure individually whether X1 or X2 generate an interrupt (#31). The opposite is true for Y1 and Y2: they can be read/set/cleared by the Starlet, but only read/cleared by the Broadway. The Broadway can configure whether these generate an interrupt (#30).

Note that, since the interrupts can actually route to either or both the Starlet and Broadway, and since the Starlet can also access the Broadway's registers, there are ways of abusing these flags for odd purposes.

Register HW_IPC_ARMCTRL can only be accessed by the Starlet. The other three registers can be accessed by both CPUs.

IOS flag protocol

Field Description
X1 Execute command: a new pointer is available in HW_IPC_PPCMSG
Y2 Command acknowledge
Y1 Command executed and reply available in HW_IPC_ARMMSG
X2 Relaunch

Register List

Address Bits Name Description
0x0d800000 32 HW_IPC_PPCMSG General purpose register 1, conventionally set by the Hollywood
0x0d800004 32 HW_IPC_PPCCTRL Hollywood flags and control
0x0d800008 32 HW_IPC_ARMMSG General purpose register 2, conventionally set by the Starlet
0x0d80000c 32 HW_IPC_ARMCTRL Starlet flags and control

Register Details

HW_IPC_PPCMSG (0x0d800000)
Access R/W

This is a general purpose 32-bit register that can be freely read/written by both CPUs. It is usually set by the Broadway and read by the Starlet, though this is not a requirement. In IOS, this register contains a pointer to a 0x40-byte structure in memory, documented more in IOS.

HW_IPC_PPCCTRL (0x0d800004)
  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Access U
  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access U R/W R/W R/W R/Z R/Z R/W
Field IY2 IY1 X2 Y1 Y2 X1
Field Description
X1 Read/write flag X1
Y2 Read flag Y2. To clear the flag, write 1 to this bit.
Y1 Read flag Y1. To clear the flag, write 1 to this bit.
X2 Read/write flag X2
IY1 If set, flag Y1 generates Hollywood interrupt #30
IY2 If set, flag Y2 generates Hollywood interrupt #30

This register exposes the Broadway side of the IPC control. Flags X1 and X2 may be freely set/cleared. Flags Y1 and Y2 can be read and cleared (by writing one), and can optionally generate IRQ #30.

HW_IPC_ARMMSG (0x0d800008)
Access R/W

This is a general purpose 32-bit register that can be freely read/written by both CPUs. It is usually set by the Starlet and read by the Broadway, though this is not a requirement.

HW_IPC_ARMCTRL (0x0d80000c)
  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Access U
  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access U R/W R/W R/W R/Z R/Z R/W
Field IX2 IX1 Y2 X1 X2 Y1
Field Description
Y1 Read/write flag Y1
X2 Read flag X2. To clear the flag, write 1 to this bit.
X1 Read flag X1. To clear the flag, write 1 to this bit.
Y2 Read/write flag Y2
IX1 If set, flag X1 generates Hollywood interrupt #31
IX2 If set, flag X2 generates Hollywood interrupt #31

This register exposes the Starlet side of the IPC control. Flags Y1 and Y2 may be freely set/cleared. Flags X1 and X2 can be read and cleared (by writing one), and can optionally generate IRQ #31. The Broadway does not have any kind of access to this register.