In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Banner Signer

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What is this?

This is an IMET/IMD5 signer for PC/Mac/Linux/Wii probably if OpenSSL has been ported, used in banners on banner.bin, icon.bin, sound.bin, and If you don't know what these are, you shouldn't use it. Yes, I know it is kinda pointless, but might be useful sometime.

How to get it

Get the source here, it needs OpenSSL for MD5. Compile yourself, its not hard.


Commandline, opensource, etc. Useful to a select few people, including me. Probably good on Linux as I don't think there is any other tool for this there. Could be useful in the future for an all-in-one banner maker?


User:Magicus/Magicus's Tools/Parse-opening.c was used for some of the IMET info, thanks.