In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Alien Puzzle Wii

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Alien Puzzle Wii
TypePuzzle game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
WiiDrawing.svg WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote4.svg SensorBar.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot USB mass storage device Local WiFi Internet
This homebrew application currently contains an invalid download link. It was either not caught in the web archive or on a forum that required registration to download files; which the Wayback Machine cannot index.


(copy and pasted from the documentation)

Alien Puzzle Wii is a homemade puzzle game for the Nintendo Wii. The goal of the game is to get to the end of each level while collecting as many points as you can from the gems scattered throughout each level. The key trick to this game is the fact that once you start moving, you can’t stop (except for in certain cases which are talked about in the documentation). This requires precision as each level is scattered with TNT, which will explode on contact. Some of them move, some of them just sit there. Each level is unique, as is the rest of the game. Good thing you have three lives. And if you beat the level, you get to carry your score on with you to the next level. Thus, you can get amazingly high scores! You can play alone, or with a friend. Just be careful, if you collide with your friend, you both will bounce. And don’t worry, if you don’t want to play the actual game, you can always relax to some nice music via the built in mp3 player, which can be accessed by pressing the “home” button on the Wii controller. While you’re doing that, you could also make levels in your own paint editor, without even having to learn how to draw! (Described in the documentation) And with the online shop, you can download new levels for absolutely free.

Documentation can be found here

The rest of the downloads are to the right, if you have any questions or issues about this game, please email me at



-Plays sounds from the Wii Remote's speaker to let you know when you do something (Can be disabled by pressing B on the home menu screen)
-Level previews so that you know what level you are playing/downloading

Single Player Mode

-Level Browser (for user created levels)
-Unique Items such as TNT, Bouncy Walls, and Sticky Walls (see documentation for more info)
-Ability to use motion controls (Can be changed by pressing A at the home menu screen)

Multiplayer Mode

-Co-op multiplayer (new for version 0.5)
-Vs multiplayer (new for version 0.5)
-Level Browser (for user created levels)
-Unique Items such as TNT, Bouncy Walls, and Sticky Walls (see documentation for more info)
-Ability to use motion controls (Each player can change this by pressing A at the home menu screen)
-Support for up to 4 players (Depending on the level


-An entire Download-able Content Shop (DLC Shop) that allows you to download new single player and mutliplayer maps *
-A high score system that actually saves your high scores to your SD Card or USB Drive
-Level creation can be done through your favorite drawing application then converted with the level converter tool provided
-Ability to add a custom background to your levels
-Ability to add custom music in mp3 format to your levels
-Behind the scenes mp3 player that allows you to play your favorite mp3 files, whenever you want!  You can even use this music instead of the level's music!  (Can be accessed by 
 pressing the home button)
-Options menu with the following options (new for version 0.5):
    -Select a custom object pack **
    -Change the difficulty ***
    -Switch player 1(One)'s controller volume
    -Reset all settings back to their default settings
-A completely redone behind the scenes mp3 player. (new for version 0.5)  New features include:
    -Playlist support.  Songs added to the playlist are indicated by a "*" symbol
    -Displays 8 songs per page, instead of the single one at the bottom.
    -Songs can now be paused, NOT JUST STOPPED.  That way, you don't have to start the song from the beginning. ****
    -Now reads the following mp3 file info from id3 tags (supports v1, v2.2, v2.3, and v2.4):
        -Song title
        -Song Artist
        -Album art.  This will actually be drawn to the screen as long as it is able to read it correctly, and the image is png format.
    -A colored icon now switches colors even more to indicate the mp3 player's state. (Red is stopped, Green is playing a single song, Blue is playing a playlist, and yellow is 
-True type font support, so that now the text looks better (except for the mp3 player.  This is to keep compatibility with future games that use it) (new for version 0.5)
-New object pack section in the Dlc shop.  (new for version 0.5)**

* Requires a connection to the internet through your Wii
** Object packs are basically character packs.  They allow you to change the objects in the game (instead of just the level's layout).  A tutorial will be released with the next version on how to make object packs.
*** The difficulty settings include Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard.  Each difficulty has it's own set of differences, and each has its own high score table as well.
**** The pause function for the mp3 player is a custom function I added to libogc.  It actually pauses the mp3, without completely stopping it.

More Info

Version 0.4


Version 0.4 is very outdated! Please use version 0.5

Version 0.5


APW pic 1.png

APW pic 3.png

APW pic 7.png

APW pic 9.png


Version 0.4

Version 0.4 is very outdated! Please use version 0.5

On a menu screen

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move
Wiimote 2 Button Select Option
Wiimote 1 Button Go to previous screen
Wiimote A Button Toggle Motion Controls (from main screen)
Wiimote B Button Toggle Wii Remote Speaker Volume (from main screen)
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player


WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move
Wiimote + Button Pause
Wiimote B Button Go to previous screen (When paused)
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player

High Score Name Input Screen

Wiimote.svg Action
Wii Remote Aim Move Cursor
Wiimote + Button Submit Score
Wiimote A Button Choose a letter
Wiimote - Button Delete Previous letter
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player

Version 0.5

On a menu screen

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move
Wiimote 2 Button Select Option
Wiimote 1 Button Go to previous screen
Wiimote A Button Toggle Motion Controls (from main screen)
Wiimote B Button Toggle Wii Remote Speaker Volume (from main screen)
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player


WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move
Wiimote + Button Pause
Wiimote B Button Go to previous screen (When paused)
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player

High Score Name Input Screen

Wiimote.svg Action
Wii Remote Aim Move Cursor
Wiimote + Button Submit Score
Wiimote A Button Choose a letter
Wiimote - Button Delete Previous letter
Wiimote HOME Button Brings up the home menu, with built in mp3 player

Home Menu and Mp3 Player

Wiimote.svg Action
Wii Remote Aim Move Cursor
Wiimote + Button Enable/Disable Playlist Mode
Wiimote A Button Choose an option (Return to Loader or Return to Wii Menu)
Wiimote B Button Stop Current Song (as well as the looping through song(s))
Wiimote - Button Stop Current Song (but keep looping through the song(s))
Wiimote D-Pad Left Previous Page
Wiimote D-Pad Right Next Page
Wiimote D-Pad Up Previous Song
Wiimote D-Pad Down Next Song
Wiimote 1 Button Play the currently selected song
Wiimote 2 Button Add currently selected song to the playlist
Wiimote HOME Button Close the menu



Version 0.5

-New mp3 player layout!  Now features a pause feature, playlist support, and more!
-Two new multiplayer modes, Vs Mode and Co-op mode!
-Object packs for use and as DLC!  This allows you to customize the game play graphics.
-An options menu
-5 difficulty settings now: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard
-Bug fixes
-Nicer looking text thanks to True Type Font support!
-Some graphical Improvements
As of this release, there are a few new DLCs.  There are three new single player downloads:
one new multiplayer level:
and the first object pack for download:


Version 0.4

First official release