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ES (E-Ticket Services) is the IOS module that is notably responsible for title management, bootstrapping the Broadway, and giving it access to title contents.

This module is always part of the main, bootable binary, along with the IOS kernel, crypto code (IOSC) and the flash filesystem driver (FFS). It runs with more privileges than any other process and has access to most syscalls.

Along with the rest of IOS, this is generally considered a "private interface" -- game developers never call any of these functions directly.

Most of these are now implemented in libogc. Please feel free to submit patches to implement the remaining functions.

ES generally does not launch PPC titles with ES_LaunchTitle; instead, it writes the title information to /sys/launch.sys, then reloads into the requested IOS (even if it is the same IOS), and the new IOS sees /sys/launch.sys when it boots and launches the title, deleting the file and replacing it with /sys/space.sys.

ES is also notable for having the most IOS exploits, some directly affecting title installation, and others allowing for arbitrary code execution.


Command Name Notes
0x1 Open ES keeps track of three contexts, one per active handle, so only three handles can be opened at once. -1016 will be returned if the maximum amount of handles is exceeded.
0x2 Close -
0x3 Read Not supported; returns IPC_EINVAL (-4).
0x4 Write Not supported; returns IPC_EINVAL (-4).
0x5 Seek Not supported; returns IPC_EINVAL (-4).
0x6 Ioctl Not supported; returns IPC_EINVAL (-4).
0x7 Ioctlv Up to 0x45 ioctlvs available depending on the version.

Known ES Functions

ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x01, 3, 0, vec); // ES_AddTicket(const signed_blob *stik, u32 stik_size, const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const signed_blob *crl, u32 crl_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x02, 4, 0, vec); // ES_AddTitleStart(const signed_blob *stmd, u32 tmd_size, const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const signed_blob *crl, u32 crl_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x03, 2, 0, vec); // ES_AddContentStart(u64 titleID, u32 cid)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x04, 2, 0, vec); // ES_AddContentData(s32 cfd, u8 *data, u32 data_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x05, 1, 0, vec); // ES_AddContentFinish(u32 cid)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x06, 0, 0, vec); // ES_AddTitleFinish(void)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x07, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetDeviceID(u32 *id)
ios_ioctlvReboot(fd, 0x08, 2, 0, vec); // ES_LaunchTitle(u64 titleID, const tikview *view)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x09, 1, 0, vec);  // ES_OpenContent(u16 index)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0A, 1, 1, vec); // ES_ReadContent(s32 cfd, u8 *data, u32 data_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0B, 1, 0, vec); // ES_CloseContent(s32 cfd)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0C, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetOwnedTitlesCount(u32 *count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0D, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetOwnedTitles(u64 *titles, u32 count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0E, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetTitlesCount(u32 *count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x0F, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetTitles(u64 *titles)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x10, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetTitleContentsCount(u64 titleID, u32 *count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x11, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetTitleContent(u64 titleID, u32 *contents, u32 count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x12, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetNumTicketViews(u64 titleID, u32 *cnt)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x13, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetTicketViews(u64 titleID, tikview *views, u32 cnt)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x14, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetTmdViewSize(u64 titleID, u32 *size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x15, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetTmdView(u64 titleID, tmdview *view, u32 size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x16, 1, 2, vec); // ES_GetConsumption(u64 ticketID, tiklimit *limits, u32 max);
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x17, 1, 0, vec); // ES_DeleteTitle(u64 titleID)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x18, 1, 0, vec); // ES_DeleteTicket(const tikview *view)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x19, 1, 1, vec); // ES_DIGetTmdViewSize(const TMD *tmd, u32 *size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1A, 2, 1, vec); // ES_DiGetTmdView(const TMD *tmd, tmdview *view, u32 size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1B, 1, 1, vec); // ES_DiGetTicketView(const Ticket *ticket, tikview *view)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1C, 4, 2, vec); // ES_DiVerify(const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const void *crl, u32 crl_size, const Ticket *ticket, const TMD *tmd, u32 tmd_size, u32 *key_handle, sha1 *hashes);
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1D, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetDataDir(u64 titleID, char *out)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1E, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetDeviceCert(signed_blob *out)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x1F, 6, 0, vec); // ES_ImportBoot(const signed_blob *tik, u32 tik_size, const signed_blob *tik_certs, u32 tik_certs_size, const signed_blob *tmd, u32 tmd_size, const signed_blob *tmd_certs, u32 tmd_certs_size, const u8 *content, u32 content_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x20, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetTitleId(u64 *out)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x21, 1, 0, vec); // ES_SetUid(u64 titleID)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x22, 1, 0, vec); // ES_DeleteTitleContents(u64 titleID) - deletes all files containing 'app' in a /title/xxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyy/content
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x23, 3, 0, vec); // ES_SeekContent(int cfd, int where, int whence)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x24, 3, 0, vec); // ES_OpenTitleContent(u64 titleID, const tikview *view, u16 index)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x25, 0, 0, vec); // ES_LaunchBC(void)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x26, 1, 1, vec); // ES_ExportTitleInit(TMD *tmd_out, u32 tmd_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x27, 2, 0, vec); // ES_ExportContentBegin(u64 titleID, u32 cid)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x28, 1, 1, vec); // ES_ExportContentData(s32 cfd, void *data, u32 data_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x29, 1, 0, vec); // ES_ExportContentEnd(s32 cfd)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2A, 0, 0, vec); // ES_ExportTitleDone(void)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2B, 1, 0, vec); // ES_ReimportTitleInit(const TMD *tmd, u32 tmd_size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2C, 3, 2, vec); // ES_Encrypt(u32 keynum, u32 *iv, const void *source, u32 size, void *dest)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2D, 3, 2, vec); // ES_Decrypt(u32 keynum, u32 *iv, const void *source, u32 size, void *dest)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2E, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetBoot2Version(u32 *version)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x2F, 0, 0, vec); // ES_AddTitleCancel(void)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x30, 1, 2, vec); // ES_Sign(const void *data, u32 size, u8 *ap_signature, u8 *ap_certificate)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x31, 3, 0, vec); // ES_VerifySign(const void *data, u32 size, const u8 *ap_signature, const signed_blob* certificates, u32 certificates_size)
// the following functions are only available in IOS28+
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x32, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetStoredContentCount(const TMD *tmd, u32 *count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x33, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetStoredContent(const TMD* tmd, u32 *contents, u32 count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x34, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetStoredTmdSize(u64 titleID, u32 *size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x35, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetStoredTmd(u64 titlteID, TMD *tmd);
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x36, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetSharedContentCount(u32 *count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x37, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetSharedContents(sha1 *contents, u32 count)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x38, 1, 0, vec); // ES_DeleteSharedContent(sha1 hash)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x39, 0, 1, vec); // ES_GetDiTmdSize(u32 *size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3A, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetDiTmd(TMD *tmd, u32 size)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3B, 4, 2, vec); // ES_DiVerifyWithTicketView(const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const void *crl, u32 crl_size, const tikview *view, const TMD *tmd, u32 tmd_size, u32 *key_handle, sha1 *hashes)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3C, 2, 1, vec); // ES_SetupStreamKey(const tikview *ticket_view, const TMD *tmd, u32 tmd_size, u32 *key_handle) (WFS only, only usable for some title types and UIDs)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3D, 0, 1, vec); // ES_DeleteStreamKey(u32 *key_handle) (calls IOSC_DeleteObject, without any second thought...?)
// the following functions are only available in IOS37+ but not in IOS38
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3E, 2, 0, vec); // ES_DeleteTitleContent(u64 titleID, u32 cid)
// the following functions are only available in IOS37v3609+ but not in IOS38
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x3F, ?, ?, vec); // non-existant ioctl why? ... because.
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x40, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetV0TicketFromView(const tikview* ticket_view, Ticket* ticket)
// the following functions are only available in IOS56+
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x41, 1, 1, vec); // forwarder for GetProcessPriorities (syscall 0x79)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x42, 2, 0, vec); // forwarder for SetProcessPriorities (syscall 0x78)
// the following functions are only available in IOS56v5405+/IOS57v5661+/IOS61v5405+/IOS70+ Please check (I thought it was a rule never add new functions existing IOS)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x43, 1, 1, vec); // ES_GetTicketSizeFromView(const tikview* view, u32* ticket_size) -- used to get the ticket size from a view (internally called with ticket = nullptr)
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x44, 2, 1, vec); // ES_GetTicketFromView(const tikview* view, Ticket *ticket, u32 ticket_size) -- used to get a ticket from a view
ios_ioctlv( fd, 0x45, 0, 0, vec); // "ES_CheckHasKoreanKey"

/dev/es IOS_Ioctlv

number name in count out count vec entry target vec entry size [bytes] libogc prototype Description
0x00 ? ? ? ? ? ? Returns -1017 non-existant ioctl.
0x01 ES_ImportTicket 3 0 ? 0x2A4 ES_AddTicket(const signed_blob *stik, u32 stik_size, const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const signed_blob *crl, u32 crl_size) ?
? ?
? ?
0x02 ES_ImportTitleInit 4 0 ? ? ES_AddTitleStart(const signed_blob *stmd, u32 tmd_size, const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const signed_blob *crl, u32 crl_size) Writes the TMD to /tmp/title.tmd
? ?
? ?
? 0x1c
0x03 ES_ImportContentBegin 2 0 ? 0x8 ES_AddContentStart(u64 titleID, u32 cid) ?
? 0x4
0x04 ES_ImportContentData 2 0 ? 0x4 ES_AddContentData(s32 cfd, u8 *data, u32 data_size) ?
? ?
0x05 ES_ImportContentEnd 1 0 ? 0x4 ES_AddContentFinish(u32 cid) ?
0x06 ES_ImportTitleDone 0 0 ES_AddTitleFinish(void) Renames /import/HIGHBITS/LOWBITS/ for the title currently being installed to /title/HIGHBITS/LOWBITS/
0x07 ES_GetDeviceId 0 1 ? 0x4 ES_GetDeviceID(u32 *device_id) ?
0x08 ES_LaunchTitle 2 0 ? 0x8 ES_LaunchTitleBackground(u64 titleID, const tikview *view); ES_LaunchTitle(u64 titleID, const tikview *view); ?
? 0xd8
0x09 ES_OpenContentFile 1 0 ? 0x4 ES_OpenContent(u16 index) ?
0x0A ES_ReadContentFile 1 1 ? 0x4 ES_ReadContent(s32 cfd, u8 *data, u32 data_size) ?
? ?
0x0B ES_CloseContentFile 1 0 ? 0x4 ES_CloseContent(s32 cfd) ?
0x0C ES_ListOwnedTitles (count) 0 1 u32* count 0x4 ES_GetNumOwnedTitles(u32 *cnt) ?
0x0D ES_ListOwnedTitles 1 1 u32* count 0x4 ES_GetOwnedTitles(u64 *titles, u32 cnt) ?
u64 titles[] [count]*0x8
0x0E ES_ListTitlesOnCard (count) 0 1 u32* count 0x4 ES_GetNumTitles(u32 *cnt) "Card" refers to the NAND. Sets the u32 pointed to by count to the number of titles on the system under /title.
0x0F ES_ListTitlesOnCard 1 1 u32* count 0x4 ES_GetTitles(u64 *titles, u32 cnt) Fills out buffer with at most count 8 byte title ids of titles on the system under /title. It also update count for the number of title its copied.
u64 buffer[] [count]*0x8
0x10 ES_ListTitleContentsOnCard (count) 1 1 u64 title_id 0x8 ES_GetTitleContentsCount(u64 titleID, u32 *num) Gets the number of contents from the tmd. It checks that the contents are present in the title's private content directory or linked via /shared1/content.map
u32* count 0x4
0x11 ES_ListTitleContentsOnCard 2 1 u64 title_id 0x8 No Fills out content_ids with the content ids from the title's tmd. It checks if the contents are present in the title's private content directory or linked via /shared1/content.map
u32* count 0x4
u32 content_ids[] [count]*0x4
0x12 ES_GetTicketViews (count) 1 1 u64 title_id 0x8 ES_GetNumTicketViews(u64 titleID, u32 *cnt) ?
u32* count 0x4
0x13 ES_GetTicketViews 2 1 u64 title_id 0x8 ES_GetTicketViews(u64 titleID, tikview *views, u32 cnt) ?
u32* count 0x4
tikview_t ticketviews[] [count]*0xd8
0x14 ES_GetTmdView (size) 1 1 u64 title_id 0x8 ES_GetTMDViewSize(u64 titleID, u32 *size) ?
u32* count 0x4
0x15 ES_GetTmdView 2 1 u64 title_id 0x8 ES_GetTMDView(u64 titleID, u8 *data, u32 size) ?
u32* count 0x4
tmdiew_t tmdview [count]
0x16 ES_GetConsumption 1 2 ? ? No ?
0x17 ES_DeleteTitle 1 0 u64 titleID 0x8 ES_DeleteTitle(u64 titleID) ?
0x18 ES_DeleteTicket 1 0 ? ? ES_DeleteTicket(const tikview *view) ?
0x19 ES_DiGetTmdView (size) 1 0 ? ? No ?
0x1A ES_DiGetTmdView 2 1 ? ? No ?
0x1B ES_DiGetTicketView 1 1 ? ? No ?
0x1C ES_DiVerify 4 2 ? ? ES_Identify(const signed_blob *certificates, u32 certificates_size, const signed_blob *stmd, u32 tmd_size, const signed_blob *sticket, u32 ticket_size, u32 *keyid) Older IOSes forget to block access to this IOCTL from the Broadway, hence the purpose of ES_Identify. Calling this IOCTL changes the title permissions to that of the title in the TMD, including verification of the TMD, but does not launch any code. Homebrew can therefore set its permissions to that of any title, or, if this IOS supports fakesigning, anything.
0x1D GetTitleDir 1 1 ? ? ES_GetDataDir(u64 titleID,char *filepath) ?
0x1E ES_GetDeviceCert 1 0 ? ? ES_GetDeviceCert(u8 *outbuf) ?
0x1F ES_ImportBoot 6 0 ? ? ES_ImportBoot(const signed_blob *tik, u32 tik_size,const signed_blob *tik_certs,u32 tik_certs_size,const signed_blob *tmd,u32 tmd_size,const signed_blob *tmd_certs,u32 tmd_certs_size,const u8 *content,u32 content_size) Installs a new boot2. This call is very buggy and bricks the Wii easily, so it is recommended to use custom installing code to install a custom boot2.
0x20 GetTitleId 0 1 ? ? ES_GetTitleID(u64 *titleID) ?
0x21 ES_SetUid 1 0 ? ? ES_SetUID(u64 uid) ?
0x22 ES_DeleteTitleContent 1 0 ? ? ES_DeleteTitleContent(u64 titleID) Deletes all files containing the substring "app" in a title's content directory (/title/xxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyy/content).
0x23 ES_SeekContentFile 3 0 ? ? s32 ES_SeekContent(s32 cfd, s32 where, s32 whence) ?
0x24 ES_OpenTitleContentFile 3 0 ? ? s32 ES_OpenTitleContent(u64 titleID, tikview *views, u16 index) ?
0x25 LaunchBC 0 0 ? ? No Shuts down IOS and runs BC
0x38 DeleteSharedContent 1 0 u8 sha1[] 0x14 ? Deletes the content file from /shared1 with the given sha1 checksum. It aborts if the tmd of an essential system title references the content. It rebuilds content.map after, removing the entry for the deleted file.
0x3e ? 2 0 u64 title_id 0x8 ? Deletes a specific content from a title's private content directory.
u32 content_id 0x4
0x3f ? 0 0 ? returns -1017
0x40 ? 1 1 tikview_t ticketview 0xd8 ? Copies the ticket associated with ticketview into ticket_buffer based on some access checks [currently unknown ticket offsets +0x1e8 to +0x1ef, +0x1f0.]
tik_t ticket_buffer 0x2a4
0x45 CheckHasKoreanKey 0 0 ? Used by system menu 4.2 to check if the wii is a region changed Korean wii. returns -1017 if the keys are not found. see Error_003

Error codes

This list of ES error codes should be complete for IOS59. Other codes that can technically be returned, but only indirectly (since ES makes use of the FS module and IOSC) are not included in an exhaustive manner in this list.

Error code Notes
-106 (FS) No such file or directory (returned by the FS module indirectly)
-1005 (ES) Invalid public key type in certificate
-1009 (ES) Read failure (short read)
-1010 (ES) Write failure (short write)
-1012 (ES) Invalid signature type (for signed blobs)
-1016 (ES) Maximum amount of handles exceeded (3 handles, as there are only 3 contexts)
-1017 (ES) Invalid arguments
-1020 (ES) Device ID mismatch. Returned by ES_ImportTicket if the ticket is personalised and the device ID from the ticket mismatches with the actual ID.
-1022 (ES) Imported content hash does not match with the hash from the TMD. Returned by ES_ImportContentEnd and ES_ImportBoot.
-1024 (ES) Memory allocation failure
-1026 (ES) Incorrect access rights (according to the TMD)
-1027 (ES) Issuer not found in the certificate chain
-1028 (ES) Ticket not found
-1029 (ES) Invalid ticket. This is returned if the common key field contains an invalid value (anything other than 0 or 1). This is also returned from ES_LaunchTitle if the title ID contained in the ticket does not match the TMD title ID.
-1031 (ES) During LaunchTitle/ImportTitle: installed boot2 version is too old.

During ImportBoot: downgrades are not allowed.

-1032 (ES) Fatal error early in ES initialisation. Can also be returned in ES_CheckHasKoreanKey in some cases. [check]
-1033 (ES) A ticket limit was exceeded (duration or launch count)
-1034 (ES) Returned in ES_CheckHasKoreanKey in some cases. [check]
-1035 (ES) A title with a higher version is already installed
-1036 (ES) Required sysversion(IOS) is not installed (only for the system menu [check])
-1037 (ES) Installed number of contents doesn't match TMD (only for the system menu [check])
-1039 (DI) Returned by DI as an ES error code when "TMD not supplied for disc/nand game"
-2000 (IOSC) Permission denied (returned when accessing an object for which the caller has no permission)

Known to be returned when a signature check failed.

-2012 (IOSC) Internal failure
-2013 (IOSC) Memory allocation failure. Known to be returned when the keyring is full (contains 0x20 keys)
-2014 (IOSC) Invalid size
-2015 (IOSC) Invalid address
-2016 (IOSC) Unaligned data