In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Title metadata

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Title metadata (aka TMD) is a format used to store information about a title and all its installed contents, including which contents they consist of and their SHA1 hashes.

TMDs seem to have been originally intended to all be stored in /title/00000001/00000002/data/tmds.sys, much like ticket.sys on the iQue Player; on release consoles, most TMDs are still stored there, but the TMD files actually used are stored in separate title.tmd files.


Signed blob header

Absolute offset Length Description
0x000 4 Signature type (always 0x10001 for RSA-2048 w/ SHA-1)
0x004 256 Signature covering the main header as well as all CMDs
0x104 60 Padding for 64-byte alignment

Main header

Absolute offset Length Description
0x140 64 Certificate issuer
0x180 1 Version
0x181 1 ca_crl_version
0x182 1 signer_crl_version
0x183 1 Is vWii (1 for vWii titles, 0 for normal titles)
0x184 8 System Version (the IOS that the title needs, Set to 0 for IOS itself. For the boot2, this is identical to the boot2 version.)
0x18C 8 Title ID
0x194 4 Title type
0x198 2 Group ID
0x19A 2 Zero
0x19C 2 Region (0: Japan, 1: USA, 2: Europe, 3: Region Free, 4: Korea)
0x19E 16 Ratings
0x1AE 12 Reserved
0x1BA 12 IPC Mask
0x1C6 18 Reserved
0x1D8 4 Access rights (flags for DVD-video access and full PPC hardware access)
0x1DC 2 Title version
0x1DE 2 Number of contents (nbr_cont)
0x1E0 2 boot index (content index for boot file. For Broadway titles, this is typically the NAND Boot Program. For Starlet titles, this is the main binary with the kernel/ES/FS, or the single binary for monolithic IOSes)
0x1E2 2 Minor version (unused - the term typically refers to the lower half of the main version instead)

Content metadata (CMD)

Following the main header (starting at offset 0x1E4) is a list of CMDs (one per content).

Offset Length Description
0x00 4 Content ID
0x04 2 Index
0x06 2 Type (0x0001: Normal, 0x4001: DLC, 0x8001: Shared)
0x08 8 Size
0x10 20 SHA1 hash


Offset Length Description
0x000 4 Signature type
0x004 256 Signature
0x104 64 Issuer
0x124 4 Public Key Type
0x128 64 Name
0x12C 4 Date
0x16C Public Key

Example code application

 typedef unsigned char  u8;
 typedef unsigned short u16;
 typedef unsigned int   u32; 
/* On a 32bit system, long is only 4 bytes- use long long instead */
 typedef unsigned long u64;
 typedef struct {
   u32 cid;		// content id
   u16 index;		// # number of the file
   u16  type;		// normal: 0x0001; dlc: 0x4001; shared: 0x8001
   u64 size;
   u8  hash [20]; 		//  SHA1 hash content
 } content_record; 			// size: 0x24 bytes
enum sig_type {
  RSA_2048 = 0x00010001,
  RSA_4096 = 0x00010000

// High 32 bits of the title ID
enum title_type : u32 {
  System = 0x00000001,
  Game = 0x00010000,
  Channel = 0x00010001,
  SystemChannel = 0x00010002,
  GameWithChannel = 0x00010004,
  DLC = 0x00010005,
  HiddenChannel = 0x00010008,

// title_type (offset 0x194)
enum title_flags {
  // All official titles have this flag set.
  Default = 0x1,
  Unknown_0x4 = 0x4,
  // Used for DLC titles.
  Data = 0x8,
  Unknown_0x10 = 0x10,
  // Seems to be used for WFS titles.
  Maybe_WFS = 0x20,
  Unknown_CT = 0x40,
 typedef struct {
        u32 sig_type; 
        u8 sig[256];
        u8 fill1[60];
        u8 issuer[64]; // Root-CA%08x-CP%08x
        u8 version;
        u8 ca_crl_version;
        u8 signer_crl_version;
        u8 vwii;
        u64 sys_version;
        u64 title_id;
        u32 title_type;
        u16 group_id; // publisher
        u8 reserved[62];
        u32 access_rights;
        u16 title_version;
        u16 num_contents;
        u16 boot_index;
        u16 fill2;
        content_record contents[num_contents];
 } tmd;

The tmd is then followed by a chain of certificates, where each certificate is of the general form

  u32 sig_type;  //
  u8 sig[256];   // 256 for RSA_2048, 512 for RSA_4096
  u8 issuer[32];
  u32 key_type;  // the type of public key
  u8 name[64]; // name of thing being signed
  u8 key[...];

There is also a structure called a TmdView which is select sections of the Tmd. It has a length of 0x60+0x10*number_of_contents. The structure is somewhat like this [as returned by ES_GetTmdView] :

struct tmd_view_content_t
	uint32_t id;
	uint16_t index;
	uint16_t type;
	uint64_t size;

struct tmd_view_t
	uint8_t version; // 0x0000;
	uint8_t filler[3];
	uint64_t ios_title_id; //0x0004
	uint64_t title_id; // 0x00c
	uint32_t title_type; //0x0014
	uint16_t group_id; //0x0018
	uint8_t reserved[0x3e]; //0x001a this is the same reserved 0x3e bytes from the tmd
	uint16_t title_version; //0x0058
	uint16_t number_contents; //0x005a
	tmd_view_content_t contents[]; //0x005c