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1,490 bytes added ,  22:40, 14 April 2008
New page: Wiiuse is a library written in C that connects with several Nintendo Wii remotes. Supports motion sensing, IR tracking, nunchuk, classic controller, and the Guitar Hero...

Wiiuse is a library written in C that connects with several Nintendo Wii remotes. Supports motion sensing, IR tracking, nunchuk, classic controller, and the Guitar Hero 3 controller. Single threaded and nonblocking makes a light weight and clean API.

== Compatibility ==

* Linux
* Wii * (see below)
* Windows 2000/XP/Vista
** Windows XP SP2 stack
** Widcomm stack
** Bluesoleil stack

== Wii Port ==

The library is currently in the process of being ported by shagkur and para. The port has various core updates to the library which will eventually be released as v0.13 (current stable is v0.12).

Everything appears to work on the wii port with the exception of enabling IR. This includes:

* Button presses
* Accelerometer, g-force on each axis and tilt angles
* Rumble
* LEDs
* Nunchuk
* Classic controller
* Guitar Hero 3 controller

Note that this does not mean everything listed above will always work as expected (although it does appear to). Any unofficial port at this point is potentially susceptible to faulty functionality. There are a couple of unofficial ports running around, please keep in mind they are not considered stable.

== Download ==

== Documentation ==

Documentation is available at

An example program that uses the library is included in the download under the api/ directory. The example ''should be'' portable across all supported platforms.


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