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339 bytes added ,  20:43, 22 September 2009
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This channel lets you view videos and DS downloads from Nintendo. This also includes recommendations for games. This requires you to send your save data and play time to Nintendo and they claim you remain anonymous.
This channel lets you view videos and DS downloads from Nintendo. This also includes recommendations for games. This requires you to send your save data and play time to Nintendo and they claim you remain anonymous.
== Changes ==
=== May 06, 2008 ===
* First public release.
=== November 12, 2008 ===
* An update that provides a behind-the-scenes enhancement to the Nintendo Channel was made available.
=== 14 September 09 (USA) ===
* New GUI.
* The channel size has been reduced.
* The save size has been reduced.
* Ability to recommend DS games.


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