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No change in size ,  06:18, 19 November 2008
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Version 3.4 of the [[System Menu]] was released on 16th June 2008 checks for and deletes [[Twilight Hack]] and any other Twilight Princess saves exploiting the same vulnerability. However, it does not affect existing [[Homebrew Channel]] installations. It does, however, fix the [[signing bug]], which prevents any "trucha"-signed discs from running, including the Homebrew Channel installer ISO versions.
Version 3.3 of the [[System Menu]] was released on 16th June 2008 checks for and deletes [[Twilight Hack]] and any other Twilight Princess saves exploiting the same vulnerability. However, it does not affect existing [[Homebrew Channel]] installations. It does, however, fix the [[signing bug]], which prevents any "trucha"-signed discs from running, including the Homebrew Channel installer ISO versions.
This update was actually compiled on March 6th. It has probably undergone months of testing before being out, hence why it does not target any of the newer hacks.
This update was actually compiled on March 6th. It has probably undergone months of testing before being out, hence why it does not target any of the newer hacks.


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