Seta GX

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Seta GX
SetaGX icon.png
TypeConsole emulator
VersionBeta 0.2
LicenceGNU GPL v2
GameCube Controller Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot USB mass storage device

Seta GX is an experimental Sega Saturn emulator for the Wii. The original Yabause Wii port was heavily modified and simplified. A couple of improvements (namely CHD support and SCU emulation) come from devmiyax's Yaba Sanshiro. The main speed improvement comes from hardware accelerated rendering by using some GPU tricks (this is not enough for full speed emulation tho).

DISCLAIMER: This project is experimental and in no way close to good in terms of code quality and stability (this is to be expected), so you may find a lot of bugs/crashes/softlocks.


  • CUE or CHD file support.
  • Only GameCube controller support (for now).
  • SD and/or USB storage (FAT32).
  • Automatic game closing and saving when returning to main menu (will be changed at a later date).


Download and extract the latest release. Copy the "apps/SetaGX" folder into the "apps" folder located on the root of your USB/SD card. Create a "vgames/Saturn" and a "saves/Saturn" folder where you can place your backups and saves, respectively.

BIOS NOT INCLUDED: In order to start the emulator, you need to provide your own BIOS. Place a Saturn BIOS file inside the "apps/SetaGX/" folder with the name "bios.bin".

Controller Mapping


GameCube Control Stick Select game
Gamecube A Button Load selected game
Gamecube B Button Return to Homebrew Channel


GameCube Controller Sega Saturn Controller
GameCube Control Stick D-pad
Gamecube B Button A
Gamecube A Button B
Gamecube C Control Stick-Up C
Gamecube Y Button X
Gamecube X Button Y
GameCube Z Button Z
GameCube R Trigger R
GameCube L Trigger L
GameCube START Button Start
GameCube START Button + GameCube Z Button Closes game and returns to menu

Credits/Special Thanks

  • Yabause Team: Original soure code
  • Devmiyax: Updates to Yabause trough Yaba Sanshiro
  • Extrems: Help on GX issues
  • emu_kidid & Pcercuei: Their continued work on WiiSX helped inspire this endeavor
  • tueidj: Virtual memory code