Hardware/Macronix DSP

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Macronix DSP is a 16 bit programmable DSP coprocessor in the Nintendo GameCube\Wii\Wii U it was manufactured by Macronix. It has it's own ADPCM hardware decoder to off load the DSP. Audio Data is stored in Mem1 or Mem2 In Wii mode the clock speed has changed from 81MHz to 121.5MHz.

Macronix DSP microcode is written in assembly you will require a assembler to assemble your code. asnd & aesnd is the homebrew dsp microcode that exist in devkitpro for the Nintendo GameCube\Wii.

JAudio(JSystem) DSP microcode also seems to contain these types:


Sarah DSP microcode(UCode) is written by Milo Charming Magician for the MXIC 16-bit DSP Slave Processor:

Reverb, Dolby Logic Pro II, Pitch Modulation, FIR Filter
LFO, PG, EG(ADSR), Channel Control(Volume, Panning, Keyon, Keyoff)
Particle Systems, Animation, and GBA Multiboot Decryption.

DSP Specs

 Clock: 81MHz(GC) or 121.5MHz(Wii)
 Bits: 16bit
 Endian: Big
 Data RAM: 8KB
 Data ROM: 4KB
 Instruction RAM: 8KB
 Instruction ROM: 8KB (Macronix, Nintendo)
 Hardware Decoder: DSP-ADPCM

DSP Programs

 Bootrom IPL microcode x2 (Macronix, Nintendo)
 DSP ARAM/Init microcode
 Memory Card microcode - handles memory card security & unlocking
 Audio System(AX) microcode - mixing, filters, Dolby Logic Pro II
 JAudio(JSystem) microcode - mixing, filters, Dolby Logic Pro II, effects, channels, GBA in some games
 GBA Multiboot microcode - decrypts GBA multiboot program

Homebrew DSP Programs

 Sarah microcode - Audio System, Particle Systems, Animation, GBA Decryption
 ASnd microcode - mixing
 AESnd microcode - mixing