Ioctl listing
typedef struct _skd_timebuf//This is used by all ioctls for at least outbuf. For ioctl 0x18, inbuf addr & 3 is written to retval. { s32 retval;//Zero for success, -30 when "Universal time is not ready.". u64 time;//UTC time in seconds. } kd_timebuf;
Request number | Name | Input | Output | Notes |
0x14 | NWC24iGetUniversalTime | none | 12 bytes | Writes the current UTC time to inbuf kd_timebuf->time. |
0x15 | NWC24iSetUniversalTime | 12 bytes | 4 bytes | Sets the current UTC time to inbuf kd_timebuf->time. |
0x16 | Undefined | none | none | always returns -9 |
0x17 | NWC24iSetRtcCounter | 8 bytes | 4 bytes | Corrects the internal KD RTC by adding the input u64. |
0x18 | NWC24iGetTimeDifference | none | 12 bytes |
Detailed Description
/dev/net/kd/time is used to get and set utc and rtc offsets. this is used by things like nwc24's scheduler and the module handles reading and editing of /shared2/wc24/misc.bin
no inbuffer
outbuffer must be >= 0xC bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
if outbuffer is not >= 0xC bytes or outbuffer == NULL the IOS_Ioctl will return -4, else it returns 0
checks if a word is set in the module's memory that indicates the Universal time is ready and returns -30 in outbuffer->retval if not
outbuffer->time is set to the stored utc otherwise
inbuffer must be >= 0xC bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
outbuffer must be >= 0x4 bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
if outbuffer or inbuffer is NULL or are not aligned the IOS_Ioctl will return -4, else it returns 0
struct inbuffer { u64 utc, u32 other_value };
checks that 0x30df3b00 <= utc <= 0xdfaef080 else it sets outbuffer->retval to -3
if utc is ok, it sets the module's struct containing the utc and the other_value
no buffers checked
always returns -9 from IOS_Ioctl
inbuffer must be >= 0x8 bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
outbuffer must be >= 0x4 bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
if outbuffer or inbuffer is NULL or not aligned the IOS_Ioctl will return -4, else it returns 0
struct inbuffer { u32 rtc_value, u32 other_value };
other_value is checked for the lowest bit to be either 0 or 1 which sets a word in memory
this function messes with the /shared2/wc24/misc.bin file and by reading and writing utc data to/from it
it also sets utc when it needs to be synchronized due to offset
outbuffer->retval will always hold 0 if the IOS_Ioctl doesn't return -4
inbuffer is not checked
outbuffer must be >= 0xC bytes and must be 0x4 aligned
if outbuffer is NULL or not aligned the IOS_Ioctl will return -4
if the module's memory indicates no time difference the IOS_Ioctl will return -30
else it returns 0
outbuffer->retval could hold the outbuffer address & 3 if:
a) it wasn't doing a 32bit write to an unaligned address
b) it didn't jump to return -4 from the Ioctl when it was unaligned
so it'll always hold 0
outbuffer->time will hold the timedifference