Wii Menu Themes
This page was created to archive Wii themes. These can be applied with the use of MyMenuify. A tutorial for installing themes can be found at https://wii.hacks.guide/themes
To do
- Add other regions.
- Add other versions.
- Make a proper version of the homebrew theme entry for storing external download links instead of local Wiibrew download links.
- Find and archive some more themes. (Why did you have to go for DarkUmbra Nintendo?)
- Add some guidelines.
Color variations
A dark white theme. |
A dark blue theme. |
A dark yellow theme. |
A dark pink theme. |
A dark purple theme. |
A dark orange theme. |
A dark green theme. |
A dark red theme. |
The original dark theme. |
A Shadow the Hedgehog inspired theme. |
A Luigi inspired theme. |
A Wolverine inspired theme. |
A TMNT inspired theme. |
A Marvel Superhero Squad inspired theme. |
A Super Sonic inspired theme. |
A Rachet and Clank inspired theme. |
A Tomb Raider inspired theme. |
A Simpsons theme. |
A TLZ theme, mostly Twilight Princess elements. |
A theme inspired by 80's-90's Nintendo. |
A theme inspired by the Mario series. |
A theme inspired by Majora's Mask. |
A Spiderman inspired theme. |
A Car inspired theme. |
A Lime inspired theme. |
A non-standard theme based off of OSX Leopard. Before converting to CSM, look into the MYM and delete all of the files that are not needed depending on your language: File20 = English, File21 = French, File22 = German, File23 = Italian, File26 = Spanish |
A piracy inspired theme. |