User talk:Feesh!
Masteroids Icon
I had to change "Control Config" to "Controls", because 400 px where a bit to less. ;| Just message, if you need something changed or anything... Oh and thanks for the add in 'About'. Please think of the, I know pointless, ` in arn`. ;x
Masteroids Suggestion
Hi again. Great work on the new Version of Masteroids. I've had the idea to change the menu colors to green, because it might fit better to the headlines. So I uploaded my suggestion. I just changed following files:
- meta.xml
- hbc_folder/boot.elf
- hbc_folder/meta.xml
- source/about.cpp
- source/controlconf.cpp
- source/ingame.cpp
- source/menu.cpp
- source/options.cpp
In my oppinion this looks slightly better, but gives an overall better view on the game. Oh, and the meta.xml just got 0.3b instead of 0.3a as version. :)
- Ah doh, I just released v0.4, I'll change the colours next time I edit the game- I'm porting it to GX tomorrow so it'll be the perfect time to give it a whirl hehe.
- Great. =)
I'm working on a game, and I'd like to ask permission to re-use you framework from the invaders example from libwiisprite. I'm so sorry that I've only just answered... any code I release, I release with the intention of others using without any real direct ties. I leave it up to people who use my code to give us a bit of a shout!