In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Supersonic Wii

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Supersonic Wii
TypeMusic game
VersionWinter Edition
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
Wiimote1.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg Les Paul Controller Loads files from the Front SD slot USB mass storage device


Supersonic Wii is a music rhythm game where the player needs to hit buttons in sync with the music being played. Called "space button Guitar Hero" by some, you play one part of the song at a time (focus on one instrument at a time, for example drums) until you've played it enough to continue on and try another. The sound for each instrument track only plays if you are successful at playing the pattern.

Supersonic Wii is a game based upon the gameplay of the AmplituDS homebrew game for the Nintendo DS, in turn based on the game Amplitude for the Playstation 2 by Harmonix (the creators of the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises). It is a homebrew Wii game made in my spare time (unlicensed by Nintendo), in the hopes that others will find it as fun as I do.

Visit the official website for more information. The site and game feature graphics by Kevin Dodge.


Once the Homebrew Channel is installed (or you already had it installed), the installation of Supersonic Wii itself is simple. Just extract your downloaded archive into the root of your SD (or SDHC) card, so that the "apps" and "data" folders are merged to the card. You don't need the Readme.txt file there, of course, so you can ignore/delete it.

And that's it! Just extract this download to an SD card and you're ready to play. Start up the Homebrew Channel and pick Supersonic Wii from the menu.


Once you've chosen a stage to play, you will control a ship flying over note tracks. You are able to move left and right to different lanes, and you need to hit the notes on it until the track disappears. Once it does you should move on (left or right) to another track and complete its notes. The more patterns you complete in a row, the higher your multiplier gets and you score more points. The goal is to get as high a score as you can on a stage.

Now, the trick to the game is actually hitting the notes. There are three possible notes on a track: left, middle, and right. You have three laser buttons to hit the notes; read below to find out the different control schemes available to you. It's important to choose the best control scheme you're comfortable with. Previous Guitar Hero players may find the Guitar Hero controller the most comfortable, but as you reach the harder difficulties, Brutal and Insane, it may be necessary to use the more efficient control schemes, such as the Nunchuk Insanity scheme.


The control scheme automatically changes depending on the extension controller you have plugged in. Each controller has variations that can be set in the Options menu. Always use the first Wiimote (the one with the first LED lit up) to play the game and navigate menus.

Note that in all control schemes, the Home button will return you to the loader (in most cases the Homebrew Channel), and the Plus (+) button will allow you to quit a stage while part-way through.

Horizontal Wiimote

This is the default control scheme when you don't have any extension controllers plugged in. Hold the Wiimote horizontally so that you can press the DPad with your left thumb (and keep a finger on B), and 1/2 with your right thumb (and keep a finger on B).

Button Mapping

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
WiimoteButton2.svg / ButtonA.svg Menu Select
WiimoteButton1.svg / Wiimote B button.svg Menu Back
ButtonA.svg Left Laser
WiimoteButton1.svg Middle Laser
WiimoteButton2.svg Right Laser

Upside-Down Wiimote

This control scheme may seem awkward, but it lets you use you use your other fingers to press the buttons, instead of having to worry about your sluggish thumb speed. This is only recommended for experienced players. You hold the Wiimote much like in the horizontal setting, except instead you turn it upside-down so that you can have a left finger on the DPad and nother on the A button, and two fingers on your right hand can rest on the 1 and 2 buttons.

Button Mapping

Wiimote.svg Action
WiimoteButton2.svg / ButtonA.svg Menu Select
WiimoteButton1.svg / Wiimote B button.svg Menu Back
ButtonA.svg Left Laser
WiimoteButton1.svg Middle Laser
WiimoteButton2.svg Right Laser

Normal Nunchuk

This is the default control scheme when you plug in a Nunchuk into your Wiimote. You have the option of specifying whether you want to hold the Nunchuk in your left hand or your right hand. The controls default to the Nunchuk in your left hand; if you change it to your right, the buttons for the Left and Right Laser mappings are reversed.

Button Mapping

Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
ButtonA.svg Menu Select
Wiimote B button.svg Menu Back
NunchukCButton.svg Left Laser
ButtonA.svg Middle Laser
Wiimote B button.svg Right Laser

Nunchuk Insanity

I owe this control scheme to Devil_Spawn. It attempts to emulate the experience of the controls for the original Amplitude game, and works very well for Insane players once you get used to the wacky way you're forced to hold the Wiimote. If you wish to use this, just go to the Options menu and change the Nunchuk Style to Insanity. Hold the Nunchuk in one hand like normal (the default is having the Nunchuk in your left hand, but you can chance it in the Options menu; if you do, the buttons for the Left and Right Laser mappings are reversed). In your other hand, grip the Wiimote at the bottom so that you can rest your index and middle fingers on the 1 and 2 buttons.

Button Mapping

Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
WiimoteButton2.svg / Wiimote B button.svg Menu Select
WiimoteButton1.svg / ButtonA.svg Menu Back
NunchukCButton.svg Left Laser
WiimoteButton2.svg Middle Laser
WiimoteButton1.svg Right Laser

Guitar Hero 3 Guitar

For those used to Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you may use your Guitar Hero 3 Les Paul guitar to control the game. Simply hold it like you normally would and forget about the Orange button and your stretch/shift techniques; it'll take a lot of discipline just to get the game right with the first three buttons. The strum bar can be used to navigate up and down the menus, and is used in-game to move left and right. In the menu you'll have to use the Yellow and Blue buttons as Left and Right, if you need to change settings.

Button Mapping

Les Paul Controller Action
GreenFret.svg Menu Select
RedFret.svg Menu Back
GreenFret.svg Left Laser
RedFret.svg Middle Laser
YellowFret.svg Right Laser


The soundtrack for the game is available for download in .mp3 format. You can download the songs individually or all of them together. Please view the copyright file for information about the creators of each song.

Copyrights (will open in your browser)

Download All Songs (zip, 25.1 MB)
Menu Theme
Space Vacation
Super Mario Bros. Remix
Synthetic Nightmare
Turrican Remix
OMG Tetris
Canon in D Remix
Ode to Megaman
Winter Symphony

Additional stages

You can find more stages on The Supersonic Wii forum and the AmplituDS forum. The stages are to be placed in one of the folders in sd:/DATA/supersonicwii/WORLDS


Supersonic Wii Winter Edition