In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Talk:Title database

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where can i find the group id?—Preceding unsigned comment added by 10:24, 2008 February 21 (talkcontribs) Adan0s I believe that they are the maker codes, 01 is still Nintendo as always.--henke37 05:36, 21 February 2008 (PST)

Error with ios titles

Ios 52 and 53 have the same title ID. Can anyone correct this? Badkarma12

   I fixed it. ios 52 was supposed to be 00000001-00000034 Badkarma12

So there's a hidden "region select" channel? What are the odds of someone writing an app to launch it? I wonder if it's accessible from "maintenance mode"? 21:42, 6 April 2008 (PDT)

...Region Select is the bit which asks you what part of the country you live in. You will have seen it if you have used Everybody Votes, it gives Nintendo an extra bit of info to tally the "who voted most of x from where", and possibly other uses.

Unidentified Title IDs


I have no idea if this is anything strange, or anything at all (just null data), but when I ran the Title Lister app (just out of interest), I noticed a title, 1-0, identified as IOS0. I couldn't find anything on the matter, either. I did a quick dump of my file system and found the folder /title/00000001/00000000. However, the CONTENT folder contained just a "title.tmd" file, and the DATA folder was empty. Maybe it's just an empty branch that was used for testing out Wii System Updates? Just thought I'd mention it. Please reply if you need to see the TMD file, or you have any insight. I'll make an account later, and will update this comment with my username. Done. --Michaelh 08:03, 27 May 2008 (PDT)

No clue. Can you upload the TMD somewhere? Bushing 22:54, 16 June 2008 (CEST)
Sorry for the late reply. - Michaelh 18:40, 10 July 2008 (CEST)
I don't know where you're getting the name IOS0, but that TITLE.TMD is the fakesigned super user TMD used by Waninkoko's FS Dumper. It gets installed when the program runs the ES_Identify() command with that TMD. The Title ID itself is essentially fake.
--ProdigySim 07:06, 16 July 2008 (CEST)
Ok. Sorry about that. - Michaelh 10:15, 25 July 2008 (CEST)

00010003-HATE: Nintendo Channel TIK

There is a "\00010003\48415445.TIK" file under the TICKET directory, with the Nintendo Channel ID(HATE) on my Wii. Any ideas on why it's stored under that directory? --PaRaDoX 21:13, 15 June 2008 (CEST)

Very interessting that my friend an me don't completely have the TICKET\00010003\ directory. It might be since the dumps are a bit older... also: the TitleID Converter does not know it either:
HATE unknown.png
but it's something of a system channel or at least something by the Wii itself - arn` 01:12, 16 June 2008 (GMT+1)


I've noticed a few people have reported titles in /title/00010000/ with the IDs 00555044, 00555045, and 0055504A (.UPD, .UPE, and .UPJ). I'm not completely sure what these are, but I'd theorize that they're caused by the Wii Brick Blocker or some other application that replaces data at the beginning of the disc. Can anyone confirm this? --ProdigySim 07:16, 16 July 2008 (CEST)

If I delete .UPE it is recreated the next time a disc is inserted on the System Menu (4.3U). I don't think this is created by homebrew. --entropy 19:38, 19 September 2010 (CEST)

Cleaning up

Wouldn't it be better to remove the region codes and region information from the tables (like e.g. in that row:)

Title ID Description
10001-NxxE Generally, any Nintendo 64 game for NTSC. PAL = NxxP, Japan = NxxJ

The region codes could be in a separate table at the start of the page.

The title database will most likely become less confusing that way. If that's OK with the other editors, I'd like to do as I suggested. I'm waiting for your opinions, though. Helsionium 04:52, 28 May 2008 (PDT)

Considering that more than 200 vc games have been released, I think the list will become a big mess if we just add them keeping this layout. I'd suggest reworking the list like this:

First we should split the tables, keeping one table for each console (a table for nes, one for n64 etc). Then we could remove the "PAL = , Japan = " string and add some columns instead (a "euro/pal" column, a "usa" column...) , leaving only the game title in the "description" column. In each column we would write the game code for that region: if a game has been released in that region but we don't know the code we'd write a "?", if a game hasn't been released in a region we'd write a minus sign "-" (or a n/a)

Here's an example of the result:

10001-Exxx : Neo Geo Games

Title ID Description USA / NTSC Euro / PAL Jap / NTSC Euro-World?
10001-EAJx Metal Slug ? EAJP ? -

10001-Nxxx : Nintendo 64 Games

Title ID Description USA / NTSC Euro / PAL Jap / NTSC Euro-World?
10001-NAEx Paper Mario 64 NAEE NAEP ? -
10001-NAFx F-Zero X ? NAFP ? -

Or, if you think that separated tables aren't a good idea we could change the background color of the rows , like this:

10001-EAJx Metal Slug ? EAJP ? -
10001-Nxxx Generall, any Nintendo 64 game. NxxE NxxP NxxJ NxxL
10001-NAEx Paper Mario 64 NAEE NAEP ? -

The rows colors should match those used in the Wii channel menu (neogeo yellow , snes purple etc) The "Nxxx General" row acts as a separator so i used a white background.

Yeah, I'd say separate tables are the way to go. The table structure you suggested might still be a little too messy and a bit redundant, though. If we just let the region information completely out of the title tables, people would still find what they're looking for. Plus, the table wouldn't get messy when there are special cases (universal titles with the 'A' region code or the few games that have e.g. separate French and German versions). I'd like to also have the hexadecimal title ID in the tables, even though they appear to be nothing more than a hex-representation of the four-letter title IDs. Any comment on this is appreciated, if there are no objections, I'd start on this tomorrow. 12:08, 30 May 2008 (PDT) (Helsionium not logged in)

Ok you're probably right about the layout I suggested... it is a bit too crowded and redundant. If we keep only one column with the codes it will no longer be possibile to figure out if a key is missing because nobody reported it yet or because the specific game is not available for a region... but it doesn't matter much, i guess...

I agree with the addition of the hex equivalent.

So the tables will look like this:

10001-Nxxx : Nintendo 64 Games

Title ID Hex Description
10001-NAEx 10001-4e4145xx Paper Mario 64
10001-NAFx 10001-4e4146xx F-Zero X
Sounds like a plan to me. I started a lil bit; feel free to finish up. Bushing 23:00, 16 June 2008 (CEST)

Homebrew channel?

Are homebrew releases fair game for this? I'd tend to say "yes", from the point of view that one of the points of this page is to be able to say "what the hell is this file on my wii for", and as such I've added HAXX, the homebrew channel, in the correct place.

Link for Downloaded Channels Title IDs

I'm a little hesitant to post this on the article, but there's a really quite complete list of VC, Wiiware, and other downloadable channel titles on GBATemp. If anyone feels it's worth mentioning on the article, or feels like porting the info, go ahead :P --ProdigySim 07:10, 16 July 2008 (CEST)

Deleted 1-101 MIOS

So I no can't run Gamecube games.

Is there any way at all to reverse this process?

Otherwise totally flawless app, so thankyou!

I think you posted this in the wrong section. Anyway, most Wii games contain MIOS on a disc. You should be able to recover MIOS just by putting a Wii disc in your system and running the update. --Tona 11:23, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

IOS naming convention

Logan, I understand why you changed my first edit (wasn't paying attention there and I'm sorry) but why my Second? Badkarma12 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Badkarma12 (talkcontribs) 17:05, 14 April 2009

it is listed in IOS History, and it now describes the naming convention for them. LoganA 17:35, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
Heh, typo, I meant IOS, not ISO on revision 49835 LoganA 17:46, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

Missing WiiWare

What happened to LostWinds? I don't see it on the list. It should be under WiiWare...
MaxyDawg 00:02, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

Title ID Hex Description
00010001-WDSx Do not know Dragon Master Spell Caster

Wipe$ 20:23, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

MISSING WIIWARE TOO I want The Incredible Mase USA but its not on the list. also how does NUS work? i entered both codes in the list in the Tittle database page and it doesnt download... HELP

I don't quite understand your problem with NUS. Are you trying to download the actual game? Just in case you are, the titles you see in NUS are nothing more than patches, not the actual game.
Wipe$ 20:50, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

Complete Title List

Do we really need this? It seems redundant as all it does is relist stuff already in the article, supplemented with tidbits of info from other pages. I say we get rid of it. T-Patch 01:32, 22 October 2009 (UTC)

I went and removed it, but if anyone feels the need to have the list (and has a viable reason for it's existence), feel free to add it back in. T-Patch 00:04, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
I use this list to organize the VC and wiiware games on my sd card and computer. Wipe$ 20:45, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
Sorry if there's some confusion. This was what I referred to. T-Patch 21:32, 23 November 2009 (UTC)

HBC 1.0.5's Title ID

Should the new title id for HBC 1.0.5 and up be added? J0DI--HUN73R /\/\. 22:11, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

NeoGeo / VC Arcade TitleID Incorrect

The titleid list is incorrect for NeoGeo and VC Arcade.--smyers75 06:18, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

NeoGeo is EAxx 
VC Arcade is split into two groups
E7xx is NAMCO
E6xx is all others (Sega, Temco and Tehan to date)
   Tecmo Bowl  (E6ME) is VC Arcade
   Mappy       (E73E) is VC Arcade 
   FATAL FURY 2(EANE) is NeoGeo  
The main page 'System Codes' states VC Arcade is Dxxx, but there are no wii Dxxx titles.smyers75 09:10, 31 January 2010 (UTC)
WP:SOFIXIT LoganA (talkcontribs) 01:02, 3 February 2010 (UTC)
Done. First time I ever edited a wiki, hope I did it right... Any suggestions from anyone on how I addressed the fact Exxx is the only titleid that has multiple consoles, please comment.smyers75 22:21, 3 February 2010 (UTC)

X Region Code

There are at least 8 games on the WiiRD Code Database that are using X for their region code.
One is confirmed the (a?) PAL version; the rest I don't know..
Thought this might help.
--James0x57 16:27, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

Unable to edit

Attempting to edit the page just provides the following error message: `Forbidden. Contains contacts. Message seems to be spam.` Unsure if this is due to my account being new, or if something on the page is being detected as contact information and thus being stopped by a spam filter (which should probably be fixed, since it completely blocks all edits to the page).

As for the change I was trying to make: the hex Title ID for the KOR Mii Channel has the incorrect hex value. It should be `4841434B` (`HACK`), not `4841424B` (`HABK`). —Preceding unsigned comment added by Slp32 (talkcontribs)

Did you add any links or email addresses? That doesn’t sound like something that would happen from being new, but sometimes the spam filter is confusing. Hallowizer (talk) 17:51, 12 May 2022 (CEST)
I did not, the only change I made was to a single character, changing the number `2` to `3`. Slp32 (talk) 03:55, 13 May 2022 (CEST)