In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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If you want to add the multi-languages support, I can translate in French. --CashMan 17:19, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

If you want to add the multi-languages support, I can translate in Italian and Portuguese. --balta 17:25, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Okay, great! I'll need to talk to DayDreamOz about creating new graphics files, and I'd rather do that when I've got as many language translations as possible (so I can do it all in one go rather than in bits and pieces). Here's the stuff that would need to be translated:
  • Press 'A' to start bouncing the ball!
  • Sorry - saving highscores disabled!
  • This Wii's highscore is....
  • Highscore store failed
  • You scored....
  • Game Paused
  • Press 'A' to continue

You can post any translations next to the above bullet points

Another great help would be translating some of the wiki page, and perhaps the instructions in the XML file distributed in the .zip. Thanks again --Pinecone 19:12, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

For ease of editing, here is the text from the current meta.xml:
  • <short_description>Guide the ball up and up! </short_description>
  • <long_description>Be the ball. Holding it 'normally' (i.e: pointing to the screen) rotate the WiiMote left and right to control the aspiring exclamation mark up and up and up! See how many points you can get, then challenge your friends, family, secret lovers, teachers and co-workers!
  • The new version features improved gameplay, a tamper-proof high-scoring system, background music and brand-spanking new graphics, courtesy of SpriteAttack!
  • Don't forget to bring a towel.....</long_description>
--Alanceil 22:15, 16 February 2009 (UTC)


  • Appuyez sur "A" pour commencer.
  • Désolé, la sauvegarde des hi-scores est désactivé.
  • Le Hi-Score de cette Wii :
  • La sauvegarde du Hi-Score a échoué !
  • Vous avez fait
  • Jeu en pause
  • Appuyez sur "A" pour continuer.

by CashMan


  • Premi 'A' per iniziare.
  • Spiacente, il salvataggio del record è disabilitato.
  • Il record di questo Wii è ...
  • Salvataggio del record fallito.
  • Il tuo punteggio è ...
  • Gioco in pausa
  • Premi 'A' per continuare.


<short_description>Guida la palla sempre più in alto!</short_description> <long_description>

Sei la palla. Guidala "normalmente" (ovvero: puntando sullo schermo), ruota il WiiMote a destra e sinistra per muovere l'aspirante pallina sempre più in alto! Guarda quanti punti puoi ottenere, sfida i tuoi amici, la tua famiglia, il tuo amore segreto, i tuoi insegnati ed i tuoi colleghi!

La nuova versione presenta un gameplay migliorato, un sistema di record a prova di modifiche, una musica di sottofondo e un grafica di alta qualità, grazie a SpriteAttack!

Non dimenticare di portare l'asciugamano...

</long_description> Feffe 14:17, 13 February 2009 (UTC)


  • Carrega 'A' para começar a fazer saltar a bola
  • Desculpe - salvamento da pontuação máxima desabilitado
  • A pontuação máxima deste Wii é:
  • Salvamento da pontuação máxima falido
  • Jogo em pausa
  • Carrega 'A' para continuar

<short_description> Conduz a bola para cima e para abaixo </short_description>

<long_description> És a bola. Segurando o Wiimote 'normalmente' (mirando para a tela) roda-o a direita e a esquerda para controlar o aspirante ponto exclamativo sempre mais para cima! Olha quantos pontos consegues obter, desafia os teus amigos, a família, os amantes secretos, os professores e os colegas de trabalho! A nova versão presenta um melhorado gameplay, um sistema de record de pontuação a prova de modificas, um fundo musical e uma gráfica de alta qualidade, graças a SpriteAttack!

Não se esqueça de trazer uma toalha..... <long_description>

--balta 16:57, 13 February 2009 (UTC)


  • Drücke 'A', um den Ball hüpfen zu lassen!
  • Tut uns leid, aber das Speichern der Highscores wurde deaktiviert!
  • Die Highscore dieser Wii ist:
  • Speichern des Highscores fehlgeschlagen
  • Deine Punktzahl:
  • Spiel pausiert
  • Drücke 'A' zum Fortfahren

<short_description>Lasse den Ball höher und höher springen! </short_description> <long_description>Sei der Ball. Halte die Wiimote 'normal' (also auf den Bildschirm zeigend) und kippe sie nach links oder rechts um den Ball springen zu lassen. Schau wieviele Punkte du erreichen kannst und fordere deine Freunde, Familie, geheimen Liebhaber, Lehrer und Mitarbeiter heraus!

Die neue Version hat verbessertes Gameplay, ein mogelresistentes Highscoresystem, Hintergrundmusik und komplett überarbeitetete Grafik, dank SpriteAttack!

Und vergiss dein Handtuch nicht...</long_description>

--Alanceil 22:02, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

I have replaced "Speichern der Highscore" through "Speichern des Highscores". --Superyoshi 13:22, 20 December 2009 (UTC)


  • Pulsa 'A' para empezar a mover la bola!
  • Lo siento - guardar la puntuación máxima ha sido deshabilitada!
  • La puntuación máxima de esta Wii es de....
  • Guardar la puntuación máxima ha fallado
  • Has puntuado....
  • Juego pausado
  • Pulsa 'A' para continuar

by Duhow


  • Pulsa 'A' per començar a moure la bola!
  • Ho sento - guardar la puntuació màxima ha estat deshabilitada!
  • La puntuació màxima d'aquesta Wii es de....
  • Guardar la puntuació màxima ha fallat
  • Has puntuat....
  • Joc pausat
  • Pulsa 'A' per continuar

by Duhow


  • Druk op "A" om de bal te laten stuiteren!
  • Sorry - opslaan van top scores is uitgeschakeld!
  • De top score op deze Wii is....
  • Het opslaan van de top score is mislukt
  • Jouw score is....
  • Spel gepauzeerd
  • Druk op 'A' om veder te spelen

<short_description>Laat die bal stuiteren!</short_description> <long_description>Wees de bal. Wijs de WiiMote naar het scherm en beweeg de WiiMote naar links en naar rechts om de bal te besturen. Probeer zoveel mogelijk punten te behalen, en ga de strijd aan tegen je vrienden, geheime liefdes, leraren, buren en collega's!

De nieuwe functies zijn; een verbeterde gameplay, een top score systeem, achtergrond muziek en geweldige graphics, Bedankt SpriteAttack!

Pas op dit spel is verslavend.....</long_description>

by Jef1991


  • Tryck på "A" för att studsa bollen!
  • Ledsen - poänglistan är avstängd!
  • Den här Wii-enhetens högsta poäng är....
  • Misslyckades med att ladda upp poäng!
  • Du fick poäng....
  • Spelet är pausat
  • Tryck på "A" för att fortsätta

by Data33


  • Trykk 'A' for å begynne å sprette ballen!
  • Jeg beklager - lagring av highscore er defekt!
  • Denne wii-ens highscore er....
  • lagring av highscore feilet!
  • Din score....
  • Pause.
  • Trykk 'A' for å fortsette.

by pbsds —Preceding unsigned comment added by Pbsds (talkcontribs) 11:56, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

uploaded the artbits translation artbits --DayDreamOz 21:32, 28 February 2009 (UTC)

Cool little game like :) yeah needs some background music :)also what type sounds does it have to be? djdynamite123 21.01.09

If you could make some sounds (bounce sounds, bg music, etc) that would be great! Any lossless format will do. I can convert. --Pinecone 21:52, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

If i have time i'l let you know :) also what do you mean lossless? djdynamite123 21.01.09

lossless refers to something that isn't compressed in a lossy format such as mp3, which degrades the sound significantly if not properly tuned. .wav is lossless cause it's basically raw. flac is considered a lossless codec, ogg, etc. -- --gllt 07:32, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

I digged out some old samples, also i though if you wanted, you could listen to my produced tunes, i recommend back again for bang..... 3:56 mins+ is a good area of a looped BGM or something, listen to it here also you ca check my site by clicking my user, and you will see my site link........anyway here's a little package..... If you like any of my produced tracks, i can send you them get in touchy, if not it's ok :) djdynamite123 22.01.09

Looks good... I was wondering if you might be interested in a little visual facelift?

MyLittleBall title1a.jpg MyLittleBall ingame1a.jpg

--DayDreamOz 00:04, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Hey if you need any help you can ask me for anything

Im a bit of a noob programmer for the wii right now i know a bit of C++ and know PHP and HTML pretty well. I am a student so my schedual is limited but i would be glad to help. I am also pretty decent with graphics too.

That does look really nice :) djdynamite123 23.01.09

I uploaded some assets - MLB art assets --DayDreamOz 02:52, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

v 1.0 Bugs

I get sound effect but no music. And some menu screens or graphics are garbled -- there's one very quick garbled screen when it first starts up, and on the title screen, there area where it's supposed to say "Press A to start" just looks like a garbled semi-blank area. --Mr. Reaper 01:25, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Sorry -- I uploaded the wrong file. It was an old broken version of the app. The new one has been uploaded and can be downloaded. --Pinecone 17:40, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Off-topic, but...

DOUGLAS ADAMS LOL, I love his books... But what exactly this have to do with MyLittleBall? --DanielHueho 15:44, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer." -- Zaphod Beeblebrox
42 would be the logical answer. --XanLoves 00:13, 11 February 2009 (GMT)
Wouldn't this answer be unapplicable to any question, since the question isn't known ? (Or perhaps it once was?) Anyways, we should adjust for inflation. 47.--Alanceil 22:06, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Thank you to translators

Thanks to everyone who has translated. I'm now working on getting all these languages implemented sanely and see if I can get hold of a couple of new graphics. Thanks again! --Pinecone 17:45, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

A plot?

Once, long ago, when the world was flat, a little red ball decided to finally come out of hiding. When he did, he thought of the world as round, but knew it was flat, and decided to do all he could do (bounce) to make the world round. But just as he was starting, an airplane decided to start dropping bombs on him. The little round ball must avoid the bombs, and make the world round!

This is my idea of a storyline.

Walle1357 16:04, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

A major gripe with the game

The biggest issue I had was transitioning to the next screen only to notice that there was no platforms at all around me and I died instantly. This is really annoying. Wouldn't it be best for the screen to scroll upwards rather than the game be a flash-screen? (A game where the levels don't scroll but sections of them are presented on each screen)--Namo 07:27, 28 May 2010 (UTC)