Talk:Goblin's Cube

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This is a really innovative idea.... I just can't stand the controls :/ It's just too hard to manipulate the cube using the limitations of the wii controllers.... I'm not sure there's much that can be done about that. --Mr. Reaper 02:25, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Hm, maybe if the wiimote IR pointer was used in conjunction with the nunchuck motion detection... Like, you use the wiimote to point at some position on the cube, then press either A or B (or a nunchuck button) to grab one row or the whole cube, then you raise or lower the the nunchuck to rotate the row or cube up or down.... twist the nunchuck right or left to rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise.... make a left or right slashing motion to rotate the cube or row straight left or right.... I know that kinda changes the whole "cool factor" of complete motion control of the cube, but I think it might feel more intuitive or easier to work with. Or maybe even use two Wiimotes at the same time... one for pointing and one for motion detection.... You could hold one wiimote kind of like a handle bar, and you can twist it forward, backward, or tilt it left or right.... --Mr. Reaper 20:10, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

I'm sorry for not responding earlier. I agree with the difficulty in using the controls, but my goal was making a "cool factor" interface. Actually, I played with a few ideas and even implemented one of them during the game's development. A problem I had was the fact that an accelerometer can't detect rotations about the gravity's axis making it near impossible to detect every movement. The IR pointer could be used to help, but it only works if the wiimote was pointed in the direction of the screen. So in the end I used the current, and hard to use, interface. Maybe when the MotionPlus becames more popular, I might remake the controls. Let's wait. Sponters 18:32, 23 July 2009 (UTC)