In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Intro to the hash hacks

The hash hacks method is a method of applying hacks only available in Priiloader 0.6 or above that works by specifying the location with a sequence of ints to search for in the hash field. It has its pros and cons over the Preloader method, where the patch location is specified by a base address in the offset field. These are:


  • The hacks will work on any region
  • 1 hack is possible to run on a wide range of System Menu versions


  • More complicated
  • More writing work

Pre-Compiled Hacks download

The newest version can be found at: An archive of the older hacks is here: File:Priiloader

Description of hacks

Disable HAXX,DVDX,RZDx checks

Prevents deletion of The Homebrew Channel, DVDX and Zelda savegames (Twilight Hack?), which was introduced in System Menu 4.2. Therefore the hack is only existant for 4.2/4.3.

Replace Health Screen with Backmenu

No longer displays black/white health warning screen, so no need to press A, it will go straight to the channels screen.

Block Disc Updates

Games with newer versions of the system menu/IOSs than what you have installed will not force you to update. Useful for staying on your current system menu and playing the most recent games without having to update.

Block Online Updates

Trying to update your system online will error, useful for staying on your current system menu and playing the most recent games without having to update.

No System Menu Sounds AT ALL

Mutes the System Menu completely. No background music or sounds.

No System Menu Background Music

Disables the soft background music the System Menu plays.

Wiimmfi Patch v4 (For 4.3E)

This hack will patch all games to work with Wiimmfi when run through the disc channel, making running the patcher from the HBC redundant.

Move Disc Channel

You can move the disc channel around like any other channel by holding A+B with this hack.

Force Disc Games to run under IOS249

Causes disc games to stop working. Some games will simply hang because IOS249 is a stub that isn’t properly handling IO, others will show error 002 if they require IOS55 or higher, since they check which IOS is running. Useful for testing which games show error 002 without dumping them.

Region Free Channels

Allows you to boot channels from another region.

Remove Diagnostic Disc Check

Allows you to boot a regular game through the recovery menu.

Region Free Wii Games

Removes the integrated region check. You'll be able to play imports this way.

Region free GC Games (No VM Patch)

Removes the integrated region check for Gamecube games.

Remove NoCopy Protection

Allows you to copy Some Saves, normally some save files were not able to be copied to the SD card.

Lock System Menu with Black Screen

Self explanatory.

OSReport(fwrite) to USBGecko

A patch often used to debug the system menu. This will redirect all the system menu debug info to a USBGecko in memory card slot B.

Re-enable Bannerbomb v2

Disables the error 004 from system menu 4.3 when bannerbomb is detected making bannerbomb work again. This is for System Menu 4.3 only.

Block Disc Autoboot

Blocks automatic booting of discs whose ID starts with 0 or 1.

Allow TitleID RAAE,408x,410x

Unblocks discs with IDs RAAE (Wii Startup Disc), 408x (unknown), and 410x (Wii Backup Disc).

Remove IOS16 Disc Error

Disables the code in the System Menu that blocks all discs using IOS16.