Memory map/fr

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Début de l' Adresse Fin de l' Adresse Taille Description
0x80000000 0x817FFFFF 24 MB MEM1 Memory (Caché)
0xC0000000 0xC17FFFFF 24 MB MEM1 Memory (Non-Caché)
0x90000000 0x93FFFFFF 64 MB MEM2 Memory (Caché)
0xD0000000 0xD3FFFFFF 64 MB MEM2 Memory (Non-Caché)
0xCD000000 0xCD008000 Registre du HardWare

The IOS Heap range is 0x933E0000-0x93400000 it is shown in registers 0x80003130(Start), 0x80003130(End). The top of MEM2 memory is allocated to Starlet. You can access this memory by disabling memory protection via hardware registers in Starlet. (See Starlet Register List. TODO).

Broadway / IOS Global Memory Locations

Addresse Taille Valeur Description
0x80000000 6 0x525350453031 Code du Jeu 'RSPE01' (Wii Sports)
0x80000018 4 0x5D1C9EA3 ID du Jeu Wii
0x80000020 4 0x0D15EA5E Code Standard de Boot de Nintendo
0x80000024 4 0x00000001 Inconnu
0x80000028 4 0x01800000 Taille de la mémoire (Physique) 24MB
0x8000002C 4 0x00000023 Model de Paneau
0x80000030 4 0x00000000 Arena Low
0x80000034 4 0x817FEC60 Arena High
0x80000038 4 0x817FEC60 Début du FST (Varie dans Tous les Jeu)
0x8000003C 4 0x00001394 Taille Maximum du FST (Varie dans Tous Les Jeu)
0x80000060 0x24 Copyright code Le Crocher de l' Assembleur PPC utilisé par le debugger
0x800000EC 4 0x81800000 Adresse du Moniteur de Debuggage de Développement (Si il est présent)
0x800000F0 4 0x01800000 Taille de la Mémoire Simulé
0x800000F4 4 0x00000000 BI2
0x800000F8 4 0x0E7BE2C0 Vitesse des Bus de la Console
0x800000FC 4 0x2B73A840 Vitesse du CPU de la Console
0x80001800 0x1800 Unused Exception Vector area often used for loader stubs and reloaders as this area is never cleared or used.
0x800030F0 4 0x00000000 Parametre du DOL éxécuté
0x80003130 8 0x933E0000, 0x93400000 Où est rangé le Heap de l' IOS
0x80003138 4 0x00000011 Version d' Hollywood
0x80003140 8 0x00090204,0x00062507 Version de l' IOS
0x80003158 4 0x0000FF16 Code du Vendeur de la GDDR
0x80003180 4 0x52535045 ID du Jeux 'RSPE' Wii Sports ID. If these 4 bytes don't match the ID at 80000000, offline mode in games is disabled.
0x80003184 4 0x80000000 Addresse de l' ID du Jeu
0x8000318C 4 0x00000000 Titre Booté depuis le NAND (Launch Code)
0x80003190 4 0x00000000 Title Booted from NAND (Return Code)
0x80003400 0x100 NAND boot vector (Broadway initialization code from nandloader)
0x80003F00 0x132c100 (~19.2MB) Standard application executable area
0x81330000 0x4d0000 (~4.8MB) Loader executable area

Applications should use the 0x80003F00 - 0x81330000 area for executable code and data loaded as part of their ELF/DOL, while loaders should use from 0x81330000 onwards. Applications can use the loader area and MEM2 as data work space once they are running, but they should restrict the sections contained in the DOL or ELF to the executable area only, since MEM2 is reserved as work area for the loader at that time. To preserve "return to loader" functionality, applications should never use the 0x80001800-0x80003000 area.