Return of the Jodi

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Return of the Jodi
Return of the Jodi icon
Author(s)Team Twiizers & roto
Loads files from the Front SD slot

Return of the Jodi is a safe way to enable homebrew on a Wii without hardware modification. Return of the Jodi is achieved by playing a hacked game save for "Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga" which executes a homebrew application from an external SD card. Examples of such homebrew .elf or .dol files can be found on the Homebrew applications page. The Return of the Jodi was created by Team Twiizers & roto.

This exploit works on the original Lego Star Wars game as well as the newer (1.01) release (NTSC and PAL) all through one masterfully crafted save.

Usage & Installation


  1. SD card (not SHDC) formatted as FAT16 or FAT32 (Preferably FAT16)
  2. Some accessibility to copy the savegame from the PC to the SD card (card reader, printer, etc.)
  3. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (you have to boot it at least once before)
  4. Some homebrew software to load, (HackMii Installer) Although this isn't necessary, it's highly recommended (Will boot "boot.elf" file on root of SD)


  1. (OPTIONAL) Wii: If you have an existing "Lego Star Wars" savegame. MOVE it to another SD CARD, THEN delete your old save off your Wii.
  2. On Computer: Rename "private" folder to "privateold"
  3. On Computer: Copy the "private" directory from the Return of the Jodi download to the root of your SD card.
  4. On Computer: Take your homebrew (Preferably Hackmii Installer) and put it in the ROOT of your SD card as "boot.elf"
  5. Wii: Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.
  6. Wii: Go into Wii Options -> Data Management -> Save Data -> Wii.
  7. Wii: Go to SD card and select the "Return of the Jodi" savegame that corresponds to your game region.
  8. NOTE: Some people are having problems with the Wii not "seeing" the savegame on the SD card. If you are experiencing this, try setting the archive bit for the data.bin file. In Windows this can be either be done from the file's properties dialog (right click on it in Windows Explorer and check the box) or from the command line using "attrib +a <path to data.bin>". More info at #wiihelp on EFnet.
  9. Wii: Copy the savegame to the Wii.
  10. Wii: Boot Lego Star Wars.
  11. Wii: Load the saved game you just copied to the Wii.
  12. Wii: Load the first savegame
  13. Wii: Using either the Nunchuck Control Stick or the Wiimote D-Pad, go to the bar on the right and choose the character named "Return of Jodi" and press "A".
  14. Wii: After your homebrew boots you can eject the disk and unplug your nunchuck controller


  • lewurm for fine-tuning all code and testing the PAL region save
  • Team Twiizers for initial LIJ source
  • segher
  • roto for doing all the heavy lifting for this exploit
  • drmr for the awesome graphics