Visual Boy Advance GX/Match Wii controls

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Visual Boy Advance GX: Match Wii Controls

Special Wii controls exist for the following games:

These Zelda games can be played with Twilight Princess controls: The Legend Of Zelda, Zelda 2, A Link To The Past, Link's Awakening (DX), Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Minish Cap

These Mario games can be played with Mario Galaxy controls: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. DX, Super Mario 2, Super Mario (2) Advance, Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Universal Gravitation (Topsy Turvy)

Mario Kart can be played with Mario Kart wii controls

These Metroid games can be played with Metroid Prime 3 controls: Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid 1, Metroid 2, Metroid Fusion

These Mortal Kombat games can be played with Mortal Kombat Armageddon controls: Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Advance, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition

These Lego games can be played with Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga controls: Lego Star Wars The Video Game, Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy

TMNT can be played with TMNT Wii controls.

These Harry Potter games can be played with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Wii controls: Harry Potter 1, Harry Potter 1 GBC, Harry Potter 2, Harry Potter 2 GBC, Harry Potter 3, Harry Potter 4, Harry Potter 5

These Medal Of Honour games can be played with Medal Of Honour Wii controls: Medal Of Honour Underground, Medal Of Honour Infiltrator

One Piece can be played with One Piece Unlimited Adventure controls.

Boktai 1, Boktai 2, Boktai 3, Kirby's Tilt n Tumble, and WarioWare Twisted can be played with controls I designed for them.


All Zelda games use the same controls as Twilight Princess on the Wii or Gamecube. You can also connect a Classic Controller to use similar controls to the Ocarina Of Time for the Virtual Console, but with the R trigger acting as the B button and an inventory like Twilight Princess. With nothing plugged in to the Wii Remote, your configured controls are used instead.

Warning: Be careful not to press the 2 button or the GameCube DPad left!

GameCube Controller Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick Nunchuck Control Stick Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick walk
GameCube Control Stick Wii Remote Aim Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick navigate items screen in Minish Cap
Gamecube A Button Wiimote A Button Classic a Button action, roll, jump, put away sword/shield
GameCube R Trigger Wiimote A Button Classic a Button pull, lift, throw
Gamecube B Button Wiimote.svg Classic b Button sword
Gamecube B Button Nunchuck alternative.svg Classic b Button spin attack, throw
GameCube L Trigger Nunchuck Z Button Classic L Trigger shield, Z-Target, L-Target
Wiimote B Button Classic R Trigger use current item
Wiimote D-Pad Left Classic ZR Button or Classic Right Control Stick Left swap item with left item, use kinstones
Wiimote D-Pad Down Classic y Button or Classic Right Control Stick Down swap item with down item, use B (Minish Cap)
Wiimote D-Pad Right Classic x Button or Classic Right Control Stick Right swap item with right item, use A (Minish Cap)
Gamecube X Button use item 1
Gamecube Y Button use item 2
GameCube Z Button Wiimote D-Pad Up Classic Right Control Stick Up Talk to Midna/Ezlo, secondary items, save
Gamecube D-Pad Up Wiimote - Button Classic + Button Items
GameCube START Button Wiimote + Button Classic + Button then Classic - Button Quest status
Gamecube D-Pad Right Wiimote 1 Button Classic - Button Map
Gamecube C Control Stick Right Nunchuck C Button Classic ZL Button Turbo Mode, Menu Select (Minish Cap)
Gamecube D-Pad Left Wiimote 2 Button Cheat, get most items

The Wii Zelda controls are:

Swing your Wii Remote to draw or swing your sword. Press A to put your sword away again. The 2 handed sword can't be drawn this way, and must be drawn manually from the items menu, but you can swing it like normal.

Shake your Nunchuk to do a spin attack.

Use the Z Button to Z-Target and to draw and use your shield. While Z-Targetting you will sidestep in some games. If you have a Gust Jar equipped instead of a shield, it will be used for Z-Targetting.

Use the A Button to perform an action, such as rolling, talking to people, reading signs, picking things up, throwing things, shrinking or growing, pulling things, etc. It will also put away your sword or shield. In Zelda 2, it will jump.

Use the C Button to fast forward. It was originally the camera button in Twilight Princess.

Press the B Button to use the currently selected item. 3 other items will be mapped to Left, Down, and Right D-Pad buttons. Swap the currently selected item with one of those items by pressing that D-Pad button. The three slots correspond to the first 3 slots in your inventory. In Minish Cap, the D-Pad buttons use the item directly instead of swapping it with the B Button, and the B Button is the same as the down button. In Minish Cap the left item is always the Kinstones and the down and right items correspond to the B and A slots.

Up on the D-Pad talks to Midna, or to your hat. It will take you to the save screen in Link's Awakening, or to the secondary items screen in the Oracle games.

The 1 Button goes to the Map screen. The - Button goes to the Items screen. The + Button goes to the Quest Status screen

On the Items screen, choose an item and then press either the B Button or the D-Pad button to move it to that slot. The change may not be visible until you go to another screen and back. In Link's Awakening you can toggle Bomb Arrows by choosing the bombs and pressing Z. It will rumble for a short time when bomb arrows are deactivated, and for a long time when bomb arrows are activated. You still need to equip the bow to use bomb arrows. In Minish Cap you should be able to use the IR pointer function to select items.

The Gamecube controller Zelda controls are:

B is the sword button. Use it to draw or swing your sword. Hold B for a spin attack. Press A to put the sword away again. The 2 handed sword can't be drawn this way, and must be selected manually from the items screen, but can be swung with this (or any other) button.

Use the L Trigger to L-Target and to draw and use your shield. While L-Targetting you will sidestep in some games. If you have a Gust Jar equipped instead of a shield, it will be used for L-Targetting.

Use the A Button to perform an action, such as rolling, talking to people, reading signs, picking things up, throwing things, shrinking or growing, etc. It will also put away your sword or shield. In Zelda 2, it will jump.

Use the R Trigger to pull on blocks or walls, or to lift things. You must have a bracelet or gloves to lift some objects. The bracelet or gloves will be equipped automatically. This feature is unique to the Gamecube controller.

Use the right analog stick to fast forward. It was originally the camera control in Twilight Princess.

Press the X or Y buttons to use the two equipped items. These two items both share the B slot, except in Minish Cap where one is in the A slot. The item that was not used last will be in the first slot in your inventory.

Right on the D-Pad takes you to the map. Up on the D-Pad takes you to the items screen. Start takes you to the quest status screen.

The Z trigger talks to Midna, or to your hat. It will take you to the save screen in Link's Awakening, or to the secondary items screen in the Oracle games.

The Classic controller Zelda controls are:

B is the sword button. Use it to draw or swing your sword. Hold B for a spin attack. Press A to put the sword away again. The 2 handed sword can't be drawn this way, and must be selected manually from the items screen, but can be swung with this (or any other) button.

Use the L Trigger to L-Target and to draw and use your shield. While L-Targetting you will sidestep in some games. If you have a Gust Jar equipped instead of a shield, it will be used for L-Targetting.

Use the A Button to perform an action, such as rolling, talking to people, reading signs, picking things up, throwing things, shrinking or growing, pulling, etc. It will also put away your sword or shield. In Zelda 2, it will jump.

Use the ZL Button to fast forward.

Press the R Button to use the currently selected item. 3 other items will be mapped to Left, Down, and Right on the right analog stick. They are also mapped to ZR, Y, and X. Swap the currently selected item with one of those items by pressing that button or direction. The three slots correspond to the first 3 slots in your inventory. In Minish Cap, the D-Pad buttons use the item directly instead of swapping it with the B Button, and the B Button is the same as the down button. In Minish Cap the left item is always the Kinstones and the down and right items correspond to the B and A slots.

+ (Start) takes you to the subscreens. - (Select) takes you to the map or changes subscreens.

Up on the analog stick talks to Midna, or to your hat.


All Mario or Yoshi games use the same controls as Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii. You can also connect a Classic Controller to use similar controls to Super Mario World on the SNES.

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Nunchuck Control Stick Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick walk/run
Wiimote 1 Button Wiimote B Button Classic x Button or Classic y Button run, carry, shoot, yoshi tongue
Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote A Button Classic b Button jump
Wiimote.svg Classic a Button spin attack, fire flower, get off yoshi
Wiimote D-Pad Down Nunchuck Z Button Classic ZL Button or Classic L Trigger crouch, lay egg, butt stomp
Wiimote 1 Button throw egg
Wiimote + Button Wiimote + Button Classic + Button start, pause
Wiimote D-Pad or Nunchuck C Button Classic L Trigger, Classic R Trigger camera control
Wiimote A Button+Wiimote B Button Nunchuck C Button Classic ZR Button Turbo Mode

The Wii Mario controls are:

Shake the Wii Remote to do a spin attack, or to shoot fireballs when you are fire Mario. In some games that have a spin attack, you will need to use the B Button instead to shoot fireballs. You can also dismount Yoshi by shaking.

Walk by moving the joystick a little, run by moving the joystick a lot.

A = jump B = shoot, run, hold on to things, yoshi's tongue, etc. Z = crouch or lay egg. Press Z while in the air to butt stomp. C = camera. Hold C to look around with the joystick. D-Pad = look around, or walk in some games + = pause 1 = throw egg if you are Yoshi

The Classic Controller Mario controls are:

Walk by moving the joystick a little, run by moving the joystick a lot.

B = jump A = spin attack X/Y = shoot, run, hold on to things, yoshi's tongue, etc. ZL or sometimes L = crouch or lay egg. Press in the air to butt stomp. + = pause L/R sometimes look around

Yoshi's Universal Gravitation (Topsy Turvy)

The controls are the same as all other Mario or Yoshi games, except that tilting the Wii Remote tilts the world and the screen. This affects everything in the world and also how you move.


All Metroid games use the same controls as Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on the Wii. Metroid Zero Mission also has controls from Metroid Prime on the Gamecube. You aim up and down by pointing the Wii Remote up and down.

GameCube Controller (Zero Mission only) Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick Nunchuck Control Stick walk
GameCube L Trigger Wiimote.svg tilt aim up/down
Gamecube A Button Wiimote A Button shoot (beam weapons or bombs)
Gamecube B Button Wiimote B Button jump (when not in morphball)
Gamecube B Button Wiimote.svg flick jump in morphball with SpringBall item
Gamecube Y Button Wiimote D-Pad Down missile
Gamecube X Button Nunchuck C Button toggle morphball
GameCube START Button Wiimote - Button start
GameCube START Button Wiimote + Button toggle super missiles
GameCube Z Button Wiimote 1 Button map
GameCube R Trigger Wiimote 2 Button hint

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

All Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games (except Battle Nexus) use the same controls as TMNT on Wii, Gamecube, or PS2.

GameCube Controller Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick Nunchuck Control Stick Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick walk, run
Gamecube A Button Wiimote A Button Classic b Button jump
Gamecube X Button Wiimote.svg Classic a Button attack, pick up weapon, throw away weapon (when jumping)
Gamecube Y Button Nunchuck alternative.svg Classic x Button spin kick
Gamecube B Button Wiimote B Button Classic y Button swap turtles / charge attack
hold Gamecube B Button Wiimote B Button while Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg tilted up hold Classic y Button super family move (needs medallion)
GameCube L Trigger or GameCube R Trigger Nunchuck Z Button or Nunchuck C Button Classic L Trigger or Classic ZL Button or Classic ZR Button or Classic R Trigger roll, special move
GameCube START Button Wiimote + Button Classic + Button start, pause
GameCube Z Button Wiimote - Button Classic - Button select


The 3 Boktai games use special controls that I created. They are not based on anything, since the real game uses a solar sensor.

The controls are the same with or without a Nunchuk.

Wiimote.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
Wiimote HOME Button Wiimote HOME Button go to game menu to change weather (unless nighttime)
Wiimote D-Pad Nunchuck Control Stick walk
point Wiimote.svg at sky point Wiimote.svg at sky charge Gun Del Sol
point Wiimote.svg at ground point Wiimote.svg at ground block sunlight
swing Wiimote.svg swing Wiimote.svg swing sword
Wiimote B Button Wiimote B Button shoot Gun Del Sol
Wiimote A Button Wiimote A Button action, use, talk, open, read, etc.
Wiimote 1 Button Nunchuck Z Button change element, change subscreen (L)
Wiimote 2 Button Nunchuck C Button look around
Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote 2 Button change subscreen (R)
Wiimote 1 Button fast forward, turbo
Wiimote + Button Wiimote + Button start
Wiimote - Button Wiimote - Button select

Point your Wii Remote at the sky to quickly charge your Gun Del Sol. Point your Wii Remote at the ground to block the sunlight and prevent it from charging or overheating. Or hold it like normal to use it like normal.

Press Home to set the real life weather in the emulator's game menu. Note that if it is night time in real life, there will not be any sun, regardless of what you set the weather to. Please set the weather honestly or it spoils the fun. Note that maximum sun is not actually the best, since it rots fruit, and overheats your gun. The weather must be set each time you play, it is not saved.

Swing your Wii Remote to swing your sword or other weapon, if you have one.

WarioWare Twisted

WarioWare Twisted uses similar controls to the Gameboy game.

Note: Horizontal Wii Remote is tilted in a similar manner to the Handlebar form in Smooth Moves.

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
rotate WiimoteHorizontal.svg rotate Wiimote.svg rotate
Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote A Button confirm
Wiimote 1 Button Wiimote B Button back
Wiimote A Button Nunchuck Z Button grab hold of menu
Wiimote + Button Wiimote + Button start

Kirby's Tilt n Tumble

Kirby's Tilt n Tumble uses similar controls to the Gameboy game.

WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
tilt WiimoteHorizontal.svg tilt Wiimote.svg move, tilt the world
flick WiimoteHorizontal.svg flick Wiimote.svg jump, flip monsters
Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote A Button shoot out of hole, jump from cloud

Mortal Kombat

All Mortal Kombat games use the same controls as Mortal Kombat Armaggedon, except that special moves gestures are not implemented yet.

  • Note! Gamecube control has a bug with inputs mapped to the same thing, do not use the gamecube controller in these games. Disable "Match Gamecube Controls" to play Mortal Kombat on Gamecube.
Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
Nunchuck Control Stick Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick walk, crouch, jump
Wiimote D-Pad Left Classic y Button 1, Low Punch
Wiimote D-Pad Up Classic x Button 2, High Punch
Wiimote D-Pad Down Classic b Button 3, Low Kick
Wiimote D-Pad Right Classic a Button 4, High Kick
Nunchuck Z Button Classic R Trigger block, start
Wiimote A Button Classic ZR Button throw
Nunchuck C Button Classic L Trigger / Classic ZL Button change fighting style, run
Nunchuck C Button / Wiimote - Button Classic L Trigger / Classic ZL Button / Classic - Button change character or costume, select
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button pause, start
Wiimote A Button+Wiimote B Button Turbo

The standard moves match the arcade rather than the gameboy games, except in MK2.

Buttons Action Action in Mortal Kombat 2
Down + HP Uppercut Uppercut
Down + LP Crouching punch Uppercut
Back + HK Roundhouse kick Sweep kick
Back + LK Sweep kick Sweep kick
Forward + HK Normal high kick Roundhouse kick

The special moves match the gameboy games, see a gameboy movelist for the specific game.

New Mortal Kombat Characters

New characters have been added to Mortal Kombat 3: Chameleon, Khameleon, Noob Saibot, Frost, Reptile, and Scorpion. The secret character Smoke can now be selected, as can boss Shao Khan. Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke now have human forms. Sub-Zero, Kano, and Kabal now have Cyborg forms. All these can be selected by pressing the Change Style button (Nunchuck C Button, Classic L Trigger, Classic ZL Button) or the Select button (Wiimote - Button).

Mortal Kombat 3
Sindel Sektor
Nunchuck C Button Human Sektor
Nunchuck C Button Cyborg Kabal
Sheeva Cyborg Smoke
Nunchuck C Button Human Smoke
Nunchuck C Button Reptile
Nunchuck C Button Scorpion
Nunchuck C Button Cyborg Sub-Zero
Nunchuck C Button Noob Saibot
Nunchuck C Button Frost
Nunchuck C Button Chameleon
Nunchuck C Button Cyborg Kano
Sonya Blade
Nunchuck C Button Khameleon
Nunchuck C Button Human Cyrax
Shao Khan
  • Chameleon randomly changes between the move-sets, and colours, of the Ninjas originally in the game: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax.
  • Khameleon randomly changes between the move-sets, and colours, of the Females originally in the game: Sindel, Sheeva, and Sonya.
  • Reptile and Scorpion share the same moves as Smoke.
  • Frost and Noob Saibot share the same moves as Sub-Zero.

New characters have also been added to Mortal Kombat Advance.

Mortal Kombat Advance
Hu. = Human, Un. = Unmasked, Cy. = Cyborg
Cy. Rain
Un. Rain
Cy. Reptile
Un. Reptile
Cy. Chameleon
Stryker Jax
Hu. Jax
Cy. Jax
Nightwolf Jade
Noob Saibot
Cy. Noob Saibot
MK3 Noob Saibot
Classic Saibot
Sonya Kano
Cy. Kano
Cy. Ermac
Classic SubZero 1
Cy. SubZero 1
Un. SubZero 1
Noob SubZero
Frost 1
Un. SubZero 2
Cy. SubZero 2
MK2 SubZero
Frost 2
Kung Lao
Hu. Sektor
Hu. Smoke
Cy. Smoke
Cy. Scorpion
Hu. Cyrax
Hu. Kabal
Sindel Cy. Smoke
Hu. Smoke
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
Shao Khan
  • Chameleon randomly changes between the colours of the male ninjas: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Smoke, Ermac, Rain, Sektor, Cyrax, and Tremor. His moves are the same as Reptile's. Tremor is a Lin Kuei from the comics who I tried to add but failed.
  • Khameleon randomly changes between the colours of the female ninjas: Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Tanya, Ruby, and Skarlet. Her moves are the same as Jade's.
  • Tanya, Johnny Cage, Blaze, and Hornbuckle all share Liu Kang's moves.
  • Hornbuckle is a character seen in the background of MK1 fighting Blaze.
  • Frost has either Sub-Zero 1's or Sub-Zero 2's moves, depending on how you chose her.
  • Ruby has the same moves as Ermac (she is a follower of Ermac's from the comics).
  • Skarlet has the same moves as Kitana, and is a character rumoured to be in MK2.
  • Shang Tsung can't morph into Rain or any of the added characters.
  • MK3 Noob Saibot looks and moves like Kano.
  • Classic Saibot looks like his former self Sub-Zero, but has his new Noob Saibot moves.
  • Noob Sub-Zero has his new Noob Saibot look, but still has his classic Sub-Zero moves.
  • Human Smoke and Cyborg Smoke have slightly different moves. Other cyborgs/humans keep their original moves.
  • Currently only Rain keeps his correct sprites in all his forms when doing his special moves (but not when doing the ninja slap). Other characters temporarily revert to their original sprites to do a special move. That's because I was lazy.
  • Some colour palettes are not perfect, sorry.

Lego Star Wars

Both Lego Star Wars games use the same controls as Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the Wii, and Lego Star Wars (and other Lego games) for the PC. But the two force powers controlled by the same button in those games are now controlled by two different buttons. So Z is now Z or -, and J is now J or I.

Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg USB Keyboard Action
Nunchuck Control Stick W, A, S, D walk
Wiimote A Button U jump
Wiimote B Button H shoot
Nunchuck Z Button I use force, build lego
Wiimote - Button J force power, special ability
Swing Wiimote.svg H light-saber
Flick Wiimote.svg J grapple (gun characters)
Nunchuck C Button K, LCtrl change characters, talk to people
Wiimote + Button Enter start, menu
Wiimote 1 Button or Wiimote 2 Button Spacebar fast forward

Harry Potter

All the Harry Potter games use the same controls as Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix on the Wii. They also use the keyboard controls from the PC version of each game. Spell gestures are not supported yet.

Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
Wii Remote Aim aim wand (after pressing B) in HP5
Nunchuck Control Stick walk
Nunchuck Z Button run (fast forward), sneak
Wiimote A Button action, push button, talk, read, etc., Jinx
Wiimote B Button use your wand, cancel
Wiimote - Button Maurauder's Map, tasks
Wiimote + Button pause, menu
Nunchuck C Button show location name, flute, jump
Wiimote D-Pad navigate map or menu, L / R
Wiimote 1 Button, Wiimote 2 Button change spells
Harry Potter 4 keyboard
USB Keyboard Action
Arrow Keys walk
Shift fast forward
X jinx
C charm
Enter talk, interact
Tab select
Space start, menu
A, D L / R
Harry Potter 5 keyboard
USB Keyboard Action
W, A, S, D walk
Enter talk, interact
Arrow Keys Left / Right L / R
Arrow Keys Up / Down toggle wand
Shift run (fast forward)
Tab select
Spacebar start

Medal of Honour

All the Medal of Honour games use the same controls as various Medal of Honour games and modes on the Wii.

Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
Nunchuck Control Stick walk
Nunchuck Z Button run (fast forward), sneak
Wii Remote Aim turn (MOH Underground only)
Wiimote B Button shoot
Wiimote - Button use
Wiimote + Button pause, objectives, menu
Nunchuck C Button strafe
Wiimote D-Pad Up or Wiimote 2 Button or swing Wiimote.svg up reload
Wiimote D-Pad Down toggle crouch
Wiimote D-Pad Left, Wiimote D-Pad Right change weapon
Wiimote 1 Button run

In Medal of Honour Underground you turn by aiming with the Wii Remote IR pointer on the screen like any FPS game. In Medal of Honour Infiltrator, you don't.

One Piece

One Piece uses the same controls as One Piece Unlimited Adventure on the Wii or One Piece Grand Adventure (and others) on the Gamecube.

GameCube Controller Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick Wiimote D-Pad or Nunchuck Control Stick move, direction
Gamecube Y Button Wiimote B Button jump, select menu item
Gamecube A Button Wiimote A Button attack, cancel menu
Gamecube X Button Wiimote D-Pad Up+Wiimote A Button attack up
Gamecube B Button Nunchuck Z Button grab
double click GameCube L Trigger and hold double click Nunchuck C Button and hold dash
GameCube R Trigger Wiimote - Button change character
GameCube START Button Wiimote + Button start, pause menu
Gamecube C Control Stick right Wiimote 2 Button fast forward
Wiimote 1 Button select