In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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About Me

My name is Nick Lisowski, and I am 15 years old as of 2009, and I have been coding, and scripting in languages such as: C++; C; Java; Javascript C#; 2008; 6; LUA; PHP; CSS, Csound; ActionScript; AutoHotKey; AutoIt, and others for about 10 years and counting.

I really hope I can help out, release a couple of things, and generally make things better. I'm really open to taking questions, and helping people learn, but only if they are genuinely interested, so if you have questions about programming, or things for the Wii, feel free to talk to me!


Email Address:


Steam ID: ckinrun


I guess that about it. I really don't have anything else to say...

I hope to hear from ya.